Wireless Internet Connection question
I started to use wireless internet connection recently. I found that the signal is the same all the time. I have not change locations of the wireless router and the PCI wireless card. Usually the signal is "good" in the day time and change to "low" in the evening. It seems that in the internet peak hours (evening) the signal is low and the speed in downloading is slow as well. Is this normal?
so im guessing something is messing up the signal in the evening..
got any cordless phones in the house/building?
A few things you can do to help the problem - if this is what it is. If possible put your antenna and your computer in as much a direct line of sight as possible since that will decrease the level of interference. You can also get antennas that boost the signal out put. Beyond that there's not much you can do you are at the mercy of outside interference. But like Citrix said your internet connection won't effect your wifi speed. It's like suggesting that your internet connection will effect the speed of your mouse. They just aren't releated.