Why can i not burn anything

Ok...I am trying to think if i have used this thing since i put it in and i dont believe i have....so makes me think I am just having an idiot moment or the drive is busted....
WHy cant i burn any data to a disk?
PS...i will work through one step at a time....
WHy cant i burn any data to a disk?
PS...i will work through one step at a time....
Relavent that is...
Ok...something new happened...a BSOD...Check exception...does that help?
Have you checked that the cables are attached correctly?
Do you have the correct drivers installed?
What software are you using?
When are you getting the issues?
And do you have the flame turned up high enough?......... um......never mind that one..........JK
Lets go w/ the Questions...
-Its SATA and yes...they are secure...
-I have checked plextors site and it says nothing bout the SATA drives and drivers...kinda confusing...
-I know this drive worked before but i remeber something funny going on w/ the WXP writer and D2D (Drag-t0-disk)....but dont remember and dont rember this stuff happening...
It is saying all my disks are Read only....Then when i put a blank one in it says 0 free, 0 usage...thought format....well bammmm...BSOD....
-Not the case...but thx
My sig. is current ...the specs are there...as far as the burner...it is showing it to be what it is...but it is showing all my disks as CDROMs....
im going to take over his pc tonight and see if we can fix it
I had to work late...off all weekend though...so IM me....
Any one got some ideas...Kryst...Zun?
You can spot test your hardware by booting up off of a mephis (or knoppix) linux cd and see if you can burn that way.
Now if you don't have one and your burner isn't working your going to need to get a copy off a friend. But this is a very handy item to have a round for issolating hardware vs driver issues.
i dont have one of those cds....hmmm...got a stamp though if someone else does?....lol
I dont have another i can tinker with ....but ....hmmm....have to ask around...
Dont have a USB HD and the DVDRW is internal...
Kryst...Dont have another one....but is the WinXP 1 and the EZ another?
Try and see. there might be some drivers to install due because it is a sata driver.
WHat is the model of the burner. In your sig you say it is a plextor. Wich plextor exactly???
Have you try contacting with plextor and saying your problem???
You can take an internal drive and put it in an external case, that's what he was suggesting.
Most burning, regardless of software, is controlled by the same .dll's. So what can happen is those .dll's get corrupted and nothing will work. So by installing a different program it will fix that problem. The .dll's that control the burning are seperate from the reading. So it's entirely possible that you can loose access to burning but still be able to read disks.
its the PX-712SA....however...from what i can tell it is showing up as a 712A....thats weird...will try the dvd thing...brb
-Yep...DVD runs fine...
-I sent them an email this morn...will see what they say....
So would uninstalling and then reinstalling EZ fix the .dll thing?
Possibly, really depends on how good EZ's uninstall software is. Usually that trick works better when you install a different program. The problem of re-installing the same program is that the uninstall doesn't always clear away all the files causing the problem or clean the reg entries. So when you re-install the same program it just goes back to the same behavior that it was exhibiting before.
Problem is I feel so unforfilled...lol...I want to know what the problem is...lol...oh well I guess i will just have to be happy w/ a new drive...lol...hope it works...will keep posted...thx for all the help...
i mean, plextor is not a crappy company, they do Solid product. but i guess shit happens :S
Maybe its common and i havent noticed...oh well...still waiting on the replacement....should be here sometime this week but I'm gonna be in GA all week....so get to it next wknd...
such spam is common but normally they just post it in their own thread entitled Free ipod or some other crap give away.