Installing XP on previously 98 machine
I was given a 2.2 Celeron machine with 512ram which previously had windows 98 on it. The harddrive was reformatted before I got it. I reformatted the harddrive with a 98 bootable floppy again. I tried to install windows xp on it and it says install the correct disk when I try. I made a floppy from my xp disk and same problem. What am I doing wrong?
I was given a 2.2 Celeron machine with 512ram which previously had windows 98 on it. The harddrive was reformatted before I got it. I reformatted the harddrive with a 98 bootable floppy again. I tried to install windows xp on it and it says install the correct disk when I try. I made a floppy from my xp disk and same problem. What am I doing wrong?
Why did you reformatted the hard drive with a 98 floppy. The XP installation has a format.
If F8 does not work then you have to go into bios setup and change the boot sequence