Microsoft Outlook Question

hey guys! been awhile since i posted, senior year in engineering and all. but anywho.
i had a question about outlook, so i thought i'd run it by the icrontic folks.
my office wants to share outlook calendars, address lists and such with out using microsoft exchange servers. can anyone recommend a simple program or plugin that can do that kind of stuff? i've found a good bit of info and trial programs but it's alot to shif through. thx for the help in advance!
i had a question about outlook, so i thought i'd run it by the icrontic folks.
my office wants to share outlook calendars, address lists and such with out using microsoft exchange servers. can anyone recommend a simple program or plugin that can do that kind of stuff? i've found a good bit of info and trial programs but it's alot to shif through. thx for the help in advance!