No display!
Ok I'm having an unlucky week.
My PC was working great, thursday pm. Shutdown, off too bed.
Woke up turned on pc, fans come on, hard drive whirrs etc, no normal boot up beep, and no display!.
Tried again, NO display, not even for the bios, lcd screen stuck firmly in standby mode, would not wake up.
Guessed it wasn't screen problem.
Opened case - WHAT ON EARTH- The chipset fan was half hanging off!
Wasn't connecting anyother electrical contacts or anything, so shouldn't be a major problem.
Stuck it back on.
tried booting no display, cleared CMOS. still no display.
Tried a different graphics card - still no display , so its gotta be the mobo.
Any ideas what on earth has happened, and how to fix it, or do I just need another mobo?
now tried a different screen also, still no display so its gotta be the mobo!
Abit NF7-S v.2
Latest bios.
My PC was working great, thursday pm. Shutdown, off too bed.
Woke up turned on pc, fans come on, hard drive whirrs etc, no normal boot up beep, and no display!.
Tried again, NO display, not even for the bios, lcd screen stuck firmly in standby mode, would not wake up.
Guessed it wasn't screen problem.
Opened case - WHAT ON EARTH- The chipset fan was half hanging off!
Wasn't connecting anyother electrical contacts or anything, so shouldn't be a major problem.
Stuck it back on.
tried booting no display, cleared CMOS. still no display.
Tried a different graphics card - still no display , so its gotta be the mobo.
Any ideas what on earth has happened, and how to fix it, or do I just need another mobo?
now tried a different screen also, still no display so its gotta be the mobo!
Abit NF7-S v.2
Latest bios.
You might also try removing all but the essentials; take out everything except one stick of ram, Vid card, and cpu.
Have you tried the monitor on another comp?
Good luck!
I dunno, what happened.
How on earth did the chipset fan unclip itself, and even if it did, that wouldn't stop the graphics from working. It's like a gremlin has got inside!
Do you have an old PCI vid card you could try? Might at least narrow it down.
I think I'll just have to order a new one!
This will be the 3rd one I have had in 3 months! ( first one I blew up a capacitor when I was modding while drunk )
Is the ABIT NF7-S v2 still the most recommended for athlon XP?
I'm getting ready to order one myself.
The AN7 is being released as we speak. I would hold on until that if i where you.
I can say that you won't need to mod the vmem anymore. 3.2 volts available.
The abit site didn't really explain what was better about it in much detail except for the extra guru processor which I find intriging.
I'm guessing it may also come with silicon images newer sataraid controller also.
No doubt the way I'm getting through these mobos at the moment, I'll be try out the AN7 in a few weeks anyway.
Since your fan worked loose, and you HAVE RMA'd the thng-- which is what I would have done had boss not registered board AND lost receipt AND neded box in two days for some end-of-month stuff AND the fan was in computer store, this is moot for this case but might save others shipping costs on RMA-- in this case, fan cost less than shipping would have and came off a ThermoTake video card cooler as they both used standard 40mm fans and the video cooler fan was better than the Gigabyte installed fan.
Another Gigabyte-related note will appear in another thread for those of you who might have Gigabyte 7VAXP Ultra boards, with a warning that might save a BUNCH of grief, but this one relates to issue at hand.
bout due arent ya?
KT7A goes back a little ways....ever have any leaking/swelled capacitors on yours? i had to replace caps on about 3 of those myself.
MOBO was definelty toast as I tested different parts in it!
Graphics Card worked! ( connected via analogue cable to a crt screen)
Go home again (120miles)
New mobo arrives ( NF7-Sv2)
install everything - blah!
power on, computer bleeps, powers up, hard drive, everything appears to work normally(yey) EXCEPT(boo) - no display!
Ok so this doesn't make sense! The mobos fixed, still no display.
At home my lcd screen is connected via DVI ( it has a analogue input also, but I had no cable at home to test it
I tested the graphic card at my mums with a normal anologue connection ( I have a MSI nvidia fx 5200 with digital and analogue connectors) and it worked.
Could it really be, that the graphics card DVI output has blown but not the analogue output ? doesn't sound right to me!,
so I guess that my lcd screen is fried also,
The nearest person with a pc with DVI is my mum (yes 100 miles away) so I drive there again with my lcd screen. connect it up to her pc and test it using both DVI, analogue outputs works fine!
WHAT IS GOING ON? !!!!!!!!
Is it really likely that what ever supernatural thing which fried my mobo also fried only the DVI output on my graphics card, leaving the analogue output unscathed?
I am very confused! What is everyones opinion on this and what could have caused it?
Should I go and get another graphics card, or there some other suggestion to get it working?