Adobe Reader 7.0.msi
now, just got a laptop... it had the Adobe Reader 7.0.5 icon on desktop, so i clicked it, installed and then run Reader... with auto update it downloaded some updates and then when it comes to installing it asks me for Adobe Reader 7.0.msi .... i wouldn't have a clue where this is so i just kept trying through the folders in Adobe on C: drive where the installation went to with no luck.... can anyone help? cheers
"To prepare for a custom installation of AdobeReader 7:
* Download the Adobe Reader 7 installation application. This can be found here. When prompted, save the application installation file to a convenient place on your computer.
* Execute the installation file. Once the Adobe installation routine starts, click Cancel to exit the installer at the first opportunity.
* Search your system drive for the following file:
Adobe Reader 7.0.msi
The path should be something like: \Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup Files\RdrBig\ENU
* Copy the entire directory to a convenient location.
* Download our custom transform file and save to the same directory.
This file modifies the installation process, accepts the EULA, prevents creation of the desktop shortcut and FastLoad startup link, prevents the splash-screen, web-search toolbar and Acrobat 7 advert from being displayed, and removes the following plugins:
o Digital Signatures
o Legal PDF
o Accessibility
o PPK Light
o Save As RTF
o Web Search
o Updater
Now you have the MSI file for Adobe Reader, you can utilise it for deployment via Group Policy or Citrix Installation Manager. All you have to do is apply the transform file to it in the usual manner.
To install the application manually for test purposes (if doing it on the same machine, remember to uninstall Acrobat first), do the following:
* Open a command prompt in the directory containing the Acrobat installation files.
* Enter the following command line:
msiexec.exe /i "Adobe Reader 7.0.msi" TRANSFORMS="acrobat7.mst"
* To change the default installation path from \Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0, add INSTALLDIR="Install_directory" to the command line.
* To fully automate the installation and perform a silent install, add /qb- to the end of the command line.
Should you have the time, inclination and funds, download the truly excellent MaSaI Editor - a fully-featured MSI editor - and generate your own MST file directly. MaSaI Editor was used to make this, and the transform for version 6 of Acrobat Reader.
downloaded Reader 7.0,Update 7.0.1 and 7.0.2... from here:
uninstalled Previously installed Reader 7.0... then installed all three downloads above... then autoupdate worked after that... now i have Reader 7.0.7