Subwoofer - on top of each other - is this ok?

JLamyJLamy UK
edited July 2006 in Hardware
As title - can 2 subs co-exist one on top of the other without damaging each other with their own magnetic fields? Sub woofers in question is Creative Megaworks 550.


  • KuruptKurupt Winnipeg
    edited July 2006
    Im lazy...

    Is the Sub downfiring? Any idea on how big the magnet field is? And is this something you're doing to reserve space or just something you were thinking of?
  • JLamyJLamy UK
    edited July 2006
    Sub is down firing, and I'm doing this to reserve space. But only one will be working, as the other is intermittently faulty. Don't know about the magnetic field, however the Creative sub isnt like the Logitech subs where they have warning stickers all over.
  • KuruptKurupt Winnipeg
    edited July 2006
    Shouldnt be a problem if only one is going to be working at a time.
  • JLamyJLamy UK
    edited July 2006
    OK thanks.

    Just out of curiousity - what would happen if both subs where to be working together?
  • KuruptKurupt Winnipeg
    edited July 2006
    The bottom one would most likely sound muffled as the top would be pounding air into the box. Most computer sub boxes you will notice that they are made from cheap mdf or particle board. If it was a outward firing ontop of a downward you wouldnt have too much of an issue.
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