What to press for BIOS/CMOS on HP pc?

BruceYBruceY S. Jersey
edited December 2006 in Hardware
What do I press to enter the bios on that HP Pavilian 510n pc?


  • LINLIN Tri_State Area
    edited December 2006
    Entering the BIOS Setup utility
    To open the BIOS Setup screen:
    1. Turn off the PC and wait about 5 seconds.
    2. Turn on the PC.
    3. When the first screen appears, press the F1 or Esc key on the keyboard. (You can press the key more than once.) The BIOS Setup Utility Main menu appears.
      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width=40></TD><TD noWrap width="10%">NOTE: </TD><TD style="COLOR: #0000a0" width="90%">On certain Compaq Presario PCs (prior to 2002) press the F10 key at the logo screen to enter setup. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    4. Use the keyboard to navigate through the menus. <<< HP LINK >>>
  • BruceYBruceY S. Jersey
    edited December 2006
    The pc in question (same as inpage problem) turns out the drive is faulty. I booted it up with a 98se boot floopy, and the bios was already first boot was set to floppy. Anyhow, see my other post. Thank You for your help. Now off to a good nights sleep, for tomarrow I play Mr. MatchMaker. Mr Hard Drive, meet Mr Sledge Hammer. IT'S HAMMER TIME:thumbsup: :pwned:
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