ATA/100 Hard drive/ DVD cable upgrade

breakdown84breakdown84 Around town
edited January 2007 in Gaming
I was just browsing through and i found an article about replacing an xbox's standard ATA/33 IDE cable with an uncut ATA/100 cable and it gave me a link but i couldn't find anything. So if you have any info or know a guide to this let me know eh?:thumbsup:


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2007
    It's a useless mod if that's all your planning on doing. If you are opening your case up any way to chip it and/or upgrade the harddrive then replacing the stock IDE ribbon with an ATA 100/133 ribbon isn't a big deal. If you've done it on a pc it's the same on the xbox. Some people claim a speed increase in ripping from DVD to HDD but that's about it. Your games won't load or run any faster.
  • breakdown84breakdown84 Around town
    edited January 2007
    Well ok let me ask this would it do more harm than good as in it's not the best mod but it's helps out a lil bit?
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2007
    Won't hurt anything and you may notice a difference but I wouldn't bother cracking the case to just do this mod.
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