Here is one hard problem for you!

edited February 2007 in Hardware
Hello everyone!

Something just happened to my brand new PC (again!):eek:
I will explain and would REALLY need your opinion on this.

I have normal experience with PC hardware but this problem ... i cannot understand. Here is the story:

Lets go back few months!!!
My normal PC made of AMD XP2000 and ASUS A8N...(forgot the rest) was working perfectly. Smooth! Until one day I decided to buy a new RAM from ebay which was fake. But anyway. After installing that RAM a STRANGE problem appeared.

My PC hang totally after running for about 15 minutes (you know those one that even the mouse doesnt move). "Ah no worries, maybe is overheating" you might say. At least this is what I though. After checking the temperature it was (during FULL processing) it was fine! The strange thing is that even after hardware reset the OS refused to start up!

Strange? At least for me it is. OK. next clue now. If I switched off from the PSU and turned it on again (quickly) again it would not work. But if I let it for about 5 minutes and then turn it on, EVERYTHING IS OK!!! First thing that I thought is that, it has to do something with a capacitor...hmmm

Now it becomes stranger!!! If I let my PC running, it will never hang again. Even if it is working all day. However, during the night, I switch of the plug (because the monitor makes a small buzz). The next day exactly the same problem occurs! I turn on the PC, it hangs after 10~15 minutes, AND ONLY IF I switch it off from the PSU/plug for ENOUGH time, it will work again. And dont forget.... it is working all day without a problem!

To completely drop the possibility of a software error, i installed a brand new OS on a different HDD, and the same problem occurs.

Now for the BEST part!!!

Last week I bought a new PC. I bought a e6400 intel CPU, p965 NEO-f MSI motherboad, Corsair XMS2 6400 and XFX 7900gs. Everything was working fine until my PC freezed big time again! I cannot believe this. The symptoms of the freeze were not exactly the same because I was able to move the mouse every 20 seconds, but nothing worked... I am totally dissapointed and I would really really really need your opinion on this.

Thank you VERY much if you read this far!!!

P.S. The things I kept the same on my system are PSU (thermaltake purepower 500W, and HDD Seagate 80Gb). That's all! Do you thing is the PSU???


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2007
    I'd run memtest and a full surface scan + defrag to rule out those devices first.
    Next I'd try plugging your computer into the wall directly and not the power bar to rule that out, it's rare but I've seen it happen and it's a simple thing to test.

    Then it's off to start swapping parts. I'd swap the PSU first.
  • edited January 2007
    I would also say that is the PSU. That is strange thought as thermaltake purepower are quality PSUs. Try booting with minimal hardware and see if it works.
  • edited January 2007
    Thank you kryyst and airoh69 for your replies!

    I find very strange the fact that if the PC is plugged off all night, the next time I switch it on freezes BUT in order to get it fixed I have to plug it off again for some time.

    What makes the second plugging off different from the first one, in order to make the computer work? Isn't the same? If something is plugged off, it totally loses power. So what makes the difference between the all night plugged off and the 10 minute plugged off, to have completely different results? (one produces the freeze, and the other one heals it!)

    This is what I am wondering. Please tell me what you think!

    P.S. Sorry I am not making much sense but, it's a bit difficult the explain. Hopefully you understand what I mean!!!:thumbsup:
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2007
    I couldn't guess as to the whys but it sounds like a power issue. PSU is a good place to check when you have weird power problems.
  • edited January 2007
    Ahhh and I paid a lot for that PSU ....
    Thank you for the reply....
  • edited January 2007
    kryyst wrote: »
    Next I'd try plugging your computer into the wall directly and not the power bar to rule that out, it's rare but I've seen it happen and it's a simple thing to test.

    Kryyst, this is something I did not took into account. Hmmmmm Extremely strange if this is the case.

    I will check it when I go back home today.

    Do you think the fact that sometimes I only switch off the power supply of the computer to fix the problem, to rule out the power bar thing? I would REALLY REALLY for this to be the problem.:confused:
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2007
    I wouldn't hold my breath on it being the power bar. I mean I've seen it happen but it's really, really rare. It may not even be the PSU, but if you've ruled out everything else it's the place to start.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited February 2007
    Ah. My nemesis. The poltergeist lockup. I've had a few of these, and know the symptoms very well and a cure I just may have if this is the same one I had on an ASUS K7V8X-X and an XP 2100 with some weird hardware.

    Well, The original problem started with the addition of a hard drive from my old Linux box. I wanted to get my images off of it, format it and slave it. Back in the day, 60gb wasn't passed over. I added the drive, hit the bios, hit XP, got my images off of the drive, and the system hung for about ten seconds. At the time, I didn't think anything of it, since I was moving about 20GB of images harvested off of many an imageboard, and a slew of my own works, don't ask. Right, well after I got the images off, the system hung fatally, and I had to hard restart. XP didn't notice anything. Well, I went on about my business, called it a fluke, formatted the drive, grabbed some windows updates, and at 98%, it fatally hung, and I had to hard restart again. Third time, Hit XP, went to start up Mozilla to go download Mandrake 10 (I mean back in the day, too.) and it hung. Well, I spent the greater part of an afternoon digging about the machine and yanking component after component, until I was on a Voodoo 3 with 256MB DDR266. Nothing I did solved the problem. Even changed power supplies thinking it might be related, somehow. Well I got the hair brained idea to void my warranty on the processor, and disassemble the heatsink. There was enough dust in it to make a pair of children's mittens. Dusted it out right nice with my air compressor, cleaned the heatsink and the die of the processor, put on some cheap thermal paste, and I didn't have that problem again.

    This might be your problem, it might not. If that's not your case, then I'd check the other two culprits, the Northbridge/Southbridge heatsinks and the memory itself. If you're overclocking ANYTHING, and you're not cooling all three adequately, you're asking for a fatal failure, but you might know this already. Even in some cases, cooling all three adequately would solve many a problem and save many sleepless hours. I hope you solve your problem.

    EDIT:// I also remember something having to do with a short in the power supplies ground having to do something with a stutter a client had. But you never know.
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