Need info on trojen
The web site I go to and look up trojens is down so I need some one
from AVG to tell me what those trojen horse do.
I posted a screen shot at imageshack.

I thought Windows 98SE does not have a Winlogon.exe file ?
The victims computer and tech working on the problem is away so I'm
Also some times there is problem with the Control-Alt-Delete has web
site will lock up and every thing else works or other web sites but
doing a Control-Alt-Delete on the bad IE will lock the computer up .
I don't know if this is viruses is obtain the control of the secure
attention key or not.Well doing search Winlogon is the component of
Microsoft Windows operating systems that is responsible for handling
the secure attention key, loading the user profile on logon so on.
But I don't thing Windows 98SE has Winlogon.exe file .It seems to be
in a C:\Windows\System32 folder this Winlogon.exe file
from AVG to tell me what those trojen horse do.
I posted a screen shot at imageshack.

I thought Windows 98SE does not have a Winlogon.exe file ?
The victims computer and tech working on the problem is away so I'm
Also some times there is problem with the Control-Alt-Delete has web
site will lock up and every thing else works or other web sites but
doing a Control-Alt-Delete on the bad IE will lock the computer up .
I don't know if this is viruses is obtain the control of the secure
attention key or not.Well doing search Winlogon is the component of
Microsoft Windows operating systems that is responsible for handling
the secure attention key, loading the user profile on logon so on.
But I don't thing Windows 98SE has Winlogon.exe file .It seems to be
in a C:\Windows\System32 folder this Winlogon.exe file
Well I don't understand what this NetBios datagram is.
We have some computers that have Winsows 98 and Windows 2000 what is going on?
I thought there was a database on the internet wher you can look up trojens ? I look up stuff on Mcafee but not all trojens are there or may times message boards fore anti-trojens to look up help go down.
Note my computer have some virus now and so is some of the computers in the house what should I do? And my friends house has virus .He is IT guy but likes to format that remove the virus .Well what do we do
Oh and a tip for not getting viruses/trojans/exploited. Stop going to warez/porn sites.
winlogon.exe is a imported file in Windows 2.x I don't know if
Windows 98 uses this file .Most Web sites it is hard to get
information on this file.
If windows 98 use this file that means this malware has infected a
imported file .I don't know about the other file but it is doing some
think to IRC looking at pictures is it malware or not?
Or has it infected a imported file ?
No offense man, but smart people don't get caught with their pants down. I've been a Network Administrator going on ten years now. No machine I've owned, or had in my house for more than a week has been vulnerable to any kind of attack, virii or Trojan in the existence of my new network. (I've had three, first one was bullet proof but obsolete, second one my router died so I bought the switch I use to this day.) I'll admit I've done some stupid crap willingly to get an idea of how to fix something, but I do it in a controlled manor, on a separate network in my garage.
Also, I want to show you something.
Open that in WINRAR. You're gonna have to force it. Then you'll see how easy it is to bind code to images. I included something safe, just a text file. But if it's that easy to add an archive inside of an image, imagine how easy it would be to add executable code. Please enjoy my work in progress.
I don't think you understand some of the computers in the house the family use have malware and this is one of them.Most of the computers running windows 98 are spars.
How many malware have you got? We had some malware problems from msn groups and yahoo groups .Also one of my family got malware going to a hip-hop web site.I have seen people get malware from myspace.
Well I would say most of the malware comes from porn sites or free music and free movies .And other free games and free stuff.Many people say ps2s and kazaa have malware.
We also had problems of people in are family get malware in a e-mail and spam e-mail.
What do you mean by vulnerable to any kind of attack are you saying you never got malware at home or work?
Why did you what to do it on a separate network?
The thing is like I was saying to other member you don't have to click on any thing to get malware all you have to do is go to a bad web site.The problem is Windows programming is bad and malware find its way in through exploits ( bad programming code ).
But you don't have to click on the images or download it to get malware
Or there may be pointers in the HTML that download files from other area of the server.
I've been an admin now for about 8 years servicing a network of about 100 users. Since the early days I've never had any viruses or malware on my home network and in the 8 years I've been an admin no work network I've been in control of has every had any spy or malware.
It's not that hard to secure things. You just need to be smart about what you are doing and where you are going.
Anyway. My machine has, and always WILL be clean. I have taken the six main steps to avoid infection of any malicious or unwanted code.
1: I don't use Internet Explorer.
2: I run Perl-based scripts on my switch.
3: When browsing a site I can't get immediate DNS data for, I use TOR/Vidalia.
4: Policy based, MAC-Authority access tables. Only certain computers can even use outside ports.
5: Read as many whitesheets from ZDNET as I can, to stay on top of the latest structure.
6: When in doubt, don't. If you think just for a second that you could be vulnerable, don't do whatever you were.
Software does not a firewall make, nor does a firewall make security. The user must know everything about the endeavor or be doomed to failure. It also helps to stay on top of the edge of stable operating systems, because as things age, more holes are found. I remember when I switched to 2000, not two weeks later, the entire timewarner got hit. I was, and since the attack was literally designed to hit computers running 98, not only did I not notice it, I got a decent ammount of work because of stupid people not securing themselves or getting the necessary updates that could've prevented this.
Let me leave you with some wise words. "Those who do not take every step to prevent chaos, contribute to it in their own way."
And Zerg. You're a moron. I was doing that to prove a point. That a simple image could be a host of malicious code. I've been told many a time not to flame peope, So thank you for playing Firearms.
No I was asking questions on how it works.
Where was I flaming you
Is it not true that hackers can get in or give you pop ups or malicious code by your IP address or port number?
In closing, I thank you for your patronage to these lovely forums, and wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors, but if you want to earn your Network Survival badge as it were, then it's time to hit the books.
I'm not saying you are spoon feeding me because that will be many and many post to I understand malware I was only asking you is it true all the hackers need is my IP address or port number?
So ZD.NET security white pages is good start at
What is good book to start reading? And I have bean nice on this form so what is the problem.
Right. Yeah, ZD.NET is like the best place to learn anything, and I mean anything. I've been getting their security notices and whitesheets for going on..four years now? It's been a long while. I've been getting them for ages, at two boxes, my work box and my Gmail account. Jesus. Has it really been that long. Damn work sucks. Anyway, The best way to do things is the hard way. Wanna learn something about propane or propane accessories? Burn something. Wanna learn about explosives? Blow something up, IF you're licensed to. Never break the law. Wanna learn what happens when you put DC 230V through a 9V AC telephone? Do it. Best way to learn is to do it the hard way man. Best advice I can give.
much obliged.
That doesn't help anyone. Plus from previous experiences the flames usually spill out everywhere else.
To sum this all up; Zerg, if you're still learning, then hit your books. We aren't guaranteed to know your answer. I don't post here when I have a critical problem, I post AFTER I solve it or get the information I know, unless it's minor. Like the Hitachi Hard drive problem. It's minor, and Hitachi won't do anything about it. It just happens to annoy the ever loving crap out of me. All I'm saying is; if you're studying a field, say medicine. All you can really do to increase your knowledge of medicine is to study the field with the proper tools.