Help me with this setup?
My father wants to setup an additional computer in his garage with internet access that is 300 feet away from his house which has the cable modem and his current computer.
What router and wireless card combination would be best to use for this situation? We are also open to considering antennas on top of the house and garage. The lot where my father resides is in a rural area with a few large tree's between the garage and the house. I have always had luck easily setting up wireless routers for use in homes but I have never had any experience making them work 300 feet between buildings.
Thanks guys!
What router and wireless card combination would be best to use for this situation? We are also open to considering antennas on top of the house and garage. The lot where my father resides is in a rural area with a few large tree's between the garage and the house. I have always had luck easily setting up wireless routers for use in homes but I have never had any experience making them work 300 feet between buildings.
Thanks guys!
If that doesn't work. You would need to get a WAP router combination that supports WDS. I'd have to do some research into common home use routers that natively support it. But I currently have WDS working between a hacked Linksys WRT54G running Tomato Firmware and an Apple Airport Express station.
I will Wiki WDS I have never heard of that.
Will this router do the trick? I keep seeing 150 feet but I need to 300.
Also I agree with running the cable. My dad just refuses to do it. It would make life a lot easier.
Would two of these do the trick? I didn't know access points would be able to connect to each other.
If the access point can see the router then you'll be fine. It's all a question about the ranges you are trying to cover. You don't have to buy another IP or anything not sure what YAD's thinking of there.
The whole goal is to use a wireless router in your house to broadcast out the signal. Then have the wireless access point on the other side pick up that signal and deliver it to the device plugged into it.
Ok gotcha that makes sense!
That's what I'd prefer, but I just butchered a double-sized aluminum can.