Why I hate AOL (and Vista but that's besides the point)

kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
edited March 2007 in Science & Tech
So today I got sent off site to the owners sisters place (yeah it's a perk of being a slave). She had just got a new Dell with vista on it (funnily enough some of the pre-installed software wasn't supported out of the box and kept coming up with unsupported driver errors)....anyway not the point.

First issue is they live in the sticks and can only get dial-up access. I tried - pleaded with them to use a real local provider and not AOL. But no they insisted AOL - AOL - AOL.

So I try to install the AOL software (newest one) it installs fine - seemingly. Until I try and connect with it. Keeps coming up need to reboot to install new drivers - it's a loop, obviously doesn't work so I call up AOL.

ME - I'm trying to connect a windows Vista comptuer to the internet and your software doesn't work. It keeps saying reboot to install new software
AOL guy - Yeah you need to go to our beta site and get the beta software
ME - OK good to know....But I can't get on the internet to get the software.
AOL guy - yeah, to get the software you have to connect to the internet to download it
ME - could you please repeat that back to me just cuz I like to hear that sorta thing.
AOL guyy - ummm oh yeah I see your problem.
ME - Can I connect to AOL by creating a normal Dial-Up account and not using your software
---- on hold for 10 minutes where tard boy goes off to ask a tech guy, because he admits to not knowing that much about it ----
AOl guy - yes that's possible.

----I try it several times and keeps giving me username errors so he resets passwords and what not same errors --- transfers me to tech support which is another 30 minute wait.

ME - Hi. I'm trying to connect a vista machine and I don't have the software can I create a regular dial-up connection
New AOL guy - no sorry that doesn't work. You can download the software at......

I hung up.

Yeah that's right you have to be connected to AOL on the internet to download the software that will allow you to connect to the internet. Best of all you couldn't download the software on another machine burn it to cd and install it on the Vista machine. Because the only thing you can download is an installer that connects to the internet to download the software that connects to the internet etc...etc....


  • edited March 2007
    I have just written a reply to you and lost it, I'm not sure if it was sent to you or not. However in brief, I wanted to say I am having the same trouble with Vista/ AOL and have had since 2nd Feb, spent loads of money on the aol's useless help line, even bought a new Dell Computer I thought that would certainly put things right----WRONG--still same trouble freezes at sign on screen.
    I also wanted to now if you have managed to get AOL VR yet, if not I have two disks and would willingly post one to you. I would love to hear if and when you solve the problem
    Regards Barbara
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited March 2007
    Yeah I brought the computer into my workplace through it on our network downloaded the AOL9.0VR software installed it then went back to the house and fired it up via dial-up and it worked. My advice was to just drop AOL from the beginning but she just complained and complained thinking AOL is the bee's knee's and I got tired of trying to explain to her why AOL sucks. But it's up and working and now she's happy and I don't have to deal with it anymore so so am I.
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