Windows XP Pagefile

Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
edited April 2007 in Hardware
Right, until the first I'm landed with 1024MB DDR2 800. Not so bad, right? Wrong. Apparently dual core processors address memory into sections for each core. So I technically have 512 for each core if this is true, which burns my friggin' whick because Oblivion will stall for a few seconds, or just not load. So, I increased my page file to 3GB even, with a max of four. The game was installed on the same hard drive, so I moved it to a SATA Drive, and the stalling reduced by a good bit. But now the problem is; it still frickin' stalls. I was thinking about moving my page file off my main drive, so that the SATA bus could do all the work, since it's faster anyway. I know how to do it, real easy. I was wondering if this is a good idea though.

So gimme your thoughts.


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2007
    It's not going to hurt anything but in theory if your page file is on a seperate drive from whatever program your currently running it should be faster.

    As for your 512/core theory - it's possible but I also know that Oblivion just runs a lot better with 2gigs of ram regardless of the core it's on. If performance is your main concern you'd probably reap more benefits by turning down the graphics. Especially the distance draw in.
  • edited April 2007
    I would reccomend to start the game and then check how much free ram u are left with.A friend of mine had the same problem with gothic 3. The game stated that 1gb of ram was reccomended, but after putting it on my pc and running it for a few minutes it showed in the task manager that it wasted 1,3gb of memory. And his computer had 1gb of memory and was stalling. The best way of making a swap file, is making a partition only for the swap, make it 4gb and fat32. You will actually notice much diff in performance
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2007
    I can confirm with Gothic 3. I had it on a computer with only 1 gig of ram and it was hang and crash constantly. Bumped it to 2 gigs and worked flawlessly.
  • ZuntarZuntar North Carolina Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    I run Oblivion on 2 gigs and it is flawless.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited April 2007
    I used to run Oblivion on a gig of DDR400 on a 64 +3500 SC with an X1600. This is the first time I've ever had this problem. But I had this problem with STALKER, and I turned off HDR and it went away. Runs smooth like butter on high, which it set itself to.

    And I have another bitch to raise. Dual cores may be fast, but one core by itself is too slow (Emulators) and both cores are unstable. Now I regret going dual. Should've just got a 64 +4000 SC. I always thought single cores were better, guess I was right.

    EDIT:// Okay, I was thinking about something just now..I've got two 1GB MMCPD sticks and I was wondering, would USB be fast enough for a page file?

    EDIT://2/ 2.9MB Free memory. Jesus.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2007
    USB wouldn't be fast enough and a page file would potentially destroy a usb drive they aren't designed for that level of activity. Course it does depend on how long term your planning on doing that.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited April 2007
    It's just a Memory stick pro duo. I've got a cardreader and I figured, it'd be an experiment. Hell, Vista does the same thing I wanna do.

    EDIT:// I threw a two gig pagefile on my Samsung and it's like a whole new computer. Maybe the IDE interface on this board sucks? Last Nforce4 I owned had a badass IDE chip, but that was nearly two years ago. Well, I guess it's just a better argument to go SATA for my OS and use drives, and ATA for data archiving. But I still have a bitch about fuckin' dual core. Might start another thread for that, dunno.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2007
    I like dual core. I've got a PentiumD 2.05 and an iMac. Both dual core and both run fantastically, the iMac smokes the PC mind you but that's more a software then pure hardware issue. However both machines have 2gigs of ram. For games the chip also performs really well with my bottleneck being my graphics cards. For utils the machines are fantastic especially at running virtual environments. Love the DC setup. Granted it's not nearly as good as true dual processors but I prefer it over a single higher clocked processor for the majority of my computer use. Which is admittedly none gaming.

    Again though the iMac smokes the PC at that stuff. However I'll be dropping linux on my PC soon so that'll make for a closer comparison.
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