Spring Cleaning: HDD 2 DVD Archive Util.
state college, pa
the goal:
backup data using as few writable media as possible, to result in a sensibly organized archive (i.e. wishing to avoid dumping so many needles into several DVD haystacks)
(1) WinXP Pro SP2 [45 GB w/ very little free space]
(1) 120 GB drive: approx. 110 gigs of data for archving
(1) dvd burner (and the blank media)
detailed goal:
archive all...
media-files [mpg - avi, etc]
documents [.doc - .html]
project files [.fla - .veg, etc]
...essentially to transfer from the slaved HDD onto DVD's, thereby saving all items which might prove more useful to keep than to destroy, including those of sentimental, impractical value-- to ultimately result in a "DVD Catalog of old-stuff" (and the bonus of a ready-to-format 120 GB drive!).
i'm looking for an Utility software which might manage the archival process -- the swapping of media, etc., in such a way as to create a cataloged backup, with efficiency of storage and time.
if i were to simply "stuff" full the DVD's, indeed i could complete the project in due time-- however, i do not wish to result in a nonsensical collection of "bulk data" (if i can help it). perhaps the software i describe doesn't exist. what i imagine is something which might scan the HDD, then prompt me where to store all mp3's in 2 or 3 DVD's, all html and txt files on 1 disc, and so on-- that sort of utility-software, auto-sorting idea.
the underlying motivation: wipe (i.e. format) that 120GB drive, but i won't do it until i'm satisfied w/ my archive.
[note: after more than 2 weeks of no responses at another forum, i decided to seek out some real pros. fortunately, i rememered all of the excellent help i've received here in the past, and moreover, the good-natured rapport of the Icrontic. ... it's been a while! i hope you are all well.]
backup data using as few writable media as possible, to result in a sensibly organized archive (i.e. wishing to avoid dumping so many needles into several DVD haystacks)
(1) WinXP Pro SP2 [45 GB w/ very little free space]
(1) 120 GB drive: approx. 110 gigs of data for archving
(1) dvd burner (and the blank media)
detailed goal:
archive all...
media-files [mpg - avi, etc]
documents [.doc - .html]
project files [.fla - .veg, etc]
...essentially to transfer from the slaved HDD onto DVD's, thereby saving all items which might prove more useful to keep than to destroy, including those of sentimental, impractical value-- to ultimately result in a "DVD Catalog of old-stuff" (and the bonus of a ready-to-format 120 GB drive!).
i'm looking for an Utility software which might manage the archival process -- the swapping of media, etc., in such a way as to create a cataloged backup, with efficiency of storage and time.
if i were to simply "stuff" full the DVD's, indeed i could complete the project in due time-- however, i do not wish to result in a nonsensical collection of "bulk data" (if i can help it). perhaps the software i describe doesn't exist. what i imagine is something which might scan the HDD, then prompt me where to store all mp3's in 2 or 3 DVD's, all html and txt files on 1 disc, and so on-- that sort of utility-software, auto-sorting idea.
the underlying motivation: wipe (i.e. format) that 120GB drive, but i won't do it until i'm satisfied w/ my archive.
[note: after more than 2 weeks of no responses at another forum, i decided to seek out some real pros. fortunately, i rememered all of the excellent help i've received here in the past, and moreover, the good-natured rapport of the Icrontic. ... it's been a while! i hope you are all well.]
The reality is for the amount of data you want your best solution would be to get an external USB drive and back it all up to that. It's faster more easy to manage and a lot easier to recover from.
Just for kicks-- do you have a recommended shopping spot for such an item? i buy newegg.com , but maybe you know of something for HDD goodies?
yea.. i was beginning to think that myself. in fact, i probably posed this same inquiry a year or so ago in other forums, and received similar feedback.
if i were better at scripting, and knew which language to use (or even just Regular Expressions), chances are i could come up w/ a report to serve the purpose.
but-- it's all moot, really, as i've already begun the process-- totally manually. it's not really as bad as i was predicting it to be. granted, it's not going to be as well organized-- but as long as i keep the MS .xls file i've created to manage the process, i should be okay when it comes to searching for archives.
the Surprise:
i should have expected this-- but how'd one say... "i wasn't expecting it! doh!" -- some of the source data is causing errors when i'm making my Nero DVD Images. (i learned the hard way to create a intermediate "test image" on the hard drive, before wasting another blank DVD media). it's weird-- i can move the folders around on the disc (i.e. files are being read okay), but when it comes to "burning" it, it's giving me read errors. the first time it happened, i found the two .WAV files from a "Sound Forge / Acid" project -- Win Explorer refused to "move" them cause the couldn't be read-- so i simply omitted them from the Image, and Violla! it worked. but not this time-- Explorer didn't complain about any files on my "test move", so i have no way of telling which is the "bad file". it's frustrating.
(suggestions anyone?)
Fortunately, i've successfully extracted much of the "most valuable" data already.
reaction to surprise
I'm currently in search of recommended DVD bulk data recording software.
(it's not possible to do an "Image" right? i mean-- have an "Image" span several media? i suppose that's what i was trying to do in the first place... sort of).
ISO Burner was able to "extract" the faulty data, but money is tight right now-- so i can't afford to buy that license. long story short-- i'm open to suggestion if anyone has a recommended Burning kit (other than Nero 6 OEM).
Deep Burner is giving me Joliet complaints... wants to change file names... id rather avoid that!] so i'm off to try some new stuff!
thanks for the reply, Kryyst. it's nice to come back and have a little chat.
(note: i also posted an inquiry about Folding at Home on Linux...)
As for shopping I do most of mine locally at my favorite stores as I'm the type of person that hates waiting for shipping unless it'll save me a tonne of money which it usually won't. The few times I've ordered online I go with TigerDirect because they have a Canadian distribution so I don't get burned with duty.
Fortunately for external drives like that they are all fairly the same and if you can spare it just wait for a good deal, even places like Best Buy have really good deals on them from time to time.
I fully understand about the $$$ thing, My meager salary has to feed 5 people.:(
EDIT: I just read your first post again. Ignore me....most do.:D
seriously-- that's exactly what i was thinking of-- an original "image" that would be broken down, and preferably-- additionally broken (by user choice perhaps) into categories such as aud/vid , office productivity, plain text, or whatever...
... dare to dream i guess, eh?
hey-- have any of you ever used those "external USB" adaptor things-- where you slip a regular HDD into it (like mine in this example), and the EIDE part has a converter where it goes into your USB? (from recollection)
i think they're only like $30 or so (vs what you pay for a bona-fide "external" EIDE[? or usb?] drive)
more than anything-- the 120GB thing is like the "bones", ya know? the cursed bones? someone's always got 'em. you probably have a friend who's got 'em. sometimes they get passed to you, and it can be years until you are finally rid of them. well-- this is my cursed bones. i want to be "rid of it!" (while saving the data of course).
thanks again for entertaining my inquiry, gentlemen!
External USB harddrive enclosures work great. I've never had a problem with any and I've almost always bought the cheapest I could find. They are noticeably slow. But for extra storage or as a backup solution they work great. Just don't try and run any major programs off of them.