Windows Vista

Now before you put on your cynnical glasses, and decide to catagorize this as a bitch-fest, or a worship writeup, shut up. This is the only thing Vista deserves. A no-bells breakdown.
Windows Vista Ultimate's the hunk on the table today, I've been running it for two days and I've learned alot about the in the Microsoft stables. So far, I have a mixed experiance, but no real complaints so far.
From the start, I've not really liked it because of it's hype. If Vista's so damn good, why is Dell switching back to selling XP? I heard that yesterday, haven't had time to check if it's true. Even if it's not it still says something about Vista; Vulnerable. Well from setup and into first usage, I wasn't unimpressed, but nor was I impressed. Sure it was pretty but that was about it. Took me 30 minutes just to achieve a novice experiance since everything's not in the same place. Well, I almost expected that from RC1, but I was just hoping that they'd atleast keep the All Programs menu the same, but they had to fuck that up, too. It's like sorting through a box of magazines without being able to see.
Next we come up on system performance OTB. After installation, and obtaining of my video driver, since that was the only one that needed updating since Realtek is a Vista partner... During installation of everything I need, such as WinRAR, Winamp, Foobar, Nero, The GIMP, Paint Shop Pro X, uTorrent, and a few other programs that will remain nameless, Many didn't work, and the two that did (Winamp and uTorrent) only work half-assed. Well, I have to expect this since this operating system has only been out for about four months. Took Microsoft almost a year for XP to be even half-assed stable. Well, during the install, I had to deal with the most annoying thing since that kid in the seat behind me saying "Oh I'm gonna be sick." every two minutes during the trip to school a long time ago. "DO YOU WANT TO RUN THIS?!" No. I don't want to run that. I double-clicked it because I have an IQ of six. User Account Control still functions when you're an administrator. Why does it still function while you're an administrator? To cause seisures and fits so that you can buy the software, use it for twenty minutes, get hauled off to a mental institute and bang your head against the door for four years while they help you build a case file so big you've got your own drawer.
Decided to take it a step up like I do everything. I come to find out that the little search bar in the Start menu acts like a makeshift Run if you know the name of the file you're looking for, because I couldnt' find Run when I needed it. But one sneak attack into MSConfig, shut down UAC for good. Well, I do a little reading and I come across ReadyBoost. The nontechnical data I found let me believe that the flash extention would be more of a hinderance than a benefit. I did a little more digging and I unearthed the true nature of this semi-useless feature. Readyboost turns a flash device (CF/SD/xD/MMC/MSPD/Thumbdrives) into a read-through buffer. Useful for some things like compiling data, useless for things like Gaming. That's just my assessment since the biggest ammount I have is one gigabyte in MSPD that's rather fast. Not all devices support Readyboost, since they have to meet a minimum read and write speed. Just a tip about Readyboost, don't pull the device you're using if you have stuff running that reads from any source. Such as Winamp, but if you do don't resume the program until you put it back.
Gaming performance. So far I'm not let down, but I'm also not playing fair. As usual in my style, I install games once, and never reinstall them since they're on seperate hard drives. The only games I've gotten to run belong to Valve and Blizzard. Oblivion says I don't have DX9 installed and apparently I don't, and I haven't installed fear yet, since I want a bit more memory for that. WOW plays fine without being under Windows on Windows emulation, played for almost three hours before I decided to stop. Gets boring fast when people beg for coin.
That's it for now, I'll add more later. I have to download goddammed Direct X9.
Windows Vista Ultimate's the hunk on the table today, I've been running it for two days and I've learned alot about the in the Microsoft stables. So far, I have a mixed experiance, but no real complaints so far.
From the start, I've not really liked it because of it's hype. If Vista's so damn good, why is Dell switching back to selling XP? I heard that yesterday, haven't had time to check if it's true. Even if it's not it still says something about Vista; Vulnerable. Well from setup and into first usage, I wasn't unimpressed, but nor was I impressed. Sure it was pretty but that was about it. Took me 30 minutes just to achieve a novice experiance since everything's not in the same place. Well, I almost expected that from RC1, but I was just hoping that they'd atleast keep the All Programs menu the same, but they had to fuck that up, too. It's like sorting through a box of magazines without being able to see.
Next we come up on system performance OTB. After installation, and obtaining of my video driver, since that was the only one that needed updating since Realtek is a Vista partner... During installation of everything I need, such as WinRAR, Winamp, Foobar, Nero, The GIMP, Paint Shop Pro X, uTorrent, and a few other programs that will remain nameless, Many didn't work, and the two that did (Winamp and uTorrent) only work half-assed. Well, I have to expect this since this operating system has only been out for about four months. Took Microsoft almost a year for XP to be even half-assed stable. Well, during the install, I had to deal with the most annoying thing since that kid in the seat behind me saying "Oh I'm gonna be sick." every two minutes during the trip to school a long time ago. "DO YOU WANT TO RUN THIS?!" No. I don't want to run that. I double-clicked it because I have an IQ of six. User Account Control still functions when you're an administrator. Why does it still function while you're an administrator? To cause seisures and fits so that you can buy the software, use it for twenty minutes, get hauled off to a mental institute and bang your head against the door for four years while they help you build a case file so big you've got your own drawer.
Decided to take it a step up like I do everything. I come to find out that the little search bar in the Start menu acts like a makeshift Run if you know the name of the file you're looking for, because I couldnt' find Run when I needed it. But one sneak attack into MSConfig, shut down UAC for good. Well, I do a little reading and I come across ReadyBoost. The nontechnical data I found let me believe that the flash extention would be more of a hinderance than a benefit. I did a little more digging and I unearthed the true nature of this semi-useless feature. Readyboost turns a flash device (CF/SD/xD/MMC/MSPD/Thumbdrives) into a read-through buffer. Useful for some things like compiling data, useless for things like Gaming. That's just my assessment since the biggest ammount I have is one gigabyte in MSPD that's rather fast. Not all devices support Readyboost, since they have to meet a minimum read and write speed. Just a tip about Readyboost, don't pull the device you're using if you have stuff running that reads from any source. Such as Winamp, but if you do don't resume the program until you put it back.
Gaming performance. So far I'm not let down, but I'm also not playing fair. As usual in my style, I install games once, and never reinstall them since they're on seperate hard drives. The only games I've gotten to run belong to Valve and Blizzard. Oblivion says I don't have DX9 installed and apparently I don't, and I haven't installed fear yet, since I want a bit more memory for that. WOW plays fine without being under Windows on Windows emulation, played for almost three hours before I decided to stop. Gets boring fast when people beg for coin.
That's it for now, I'll add more later. I have to download goddammed Direct X9.
Not entirely true. Dell, IBM and HP are all reselling XP Pro again because of the demand from the corporate and have so far said they will continue to sell XP on select machines until at least 2009.
As for Vista and my experience with it. Lots of fluff at the cost of functionality and performance. Sure it's all there you just have to dig around more to find it. While simple users probably won't be hindered by this advanced users that need to access this stuff, even if it's to remove it or lock things down it's a pain in the ass. Even worse is when you need to install none-Vista certified software in admin mode. Then every time you go to run it you are hit with prompts.
Cancel or Allow - over and over again. So annoying. Sure you can dissable it but that's killing the only really marginal gain in security that Vista has to offer. After that it's got ummm DX10 which is the only real advantage it has over XP and that advantage doesn't even count yet.