I'm not even sure exactly what your asking? You talking like a vpn style situation or what. There are programs like Himachi that allow you to setup a private virtual network over the i-net. That may be what your looking for.
I am connected through a Enet cable...Can he use me as a "gateway?" to used Internet? like link via usb, serial, WIFI or whatever and just run of my I-net connection?
Oh your just talking about internet sharing. Yeah windows supports internet sharing. As for how to setup the share, I've only ever done it over ethernet, with the host machine having two network cards in it.
I know you can connect two machines via serial and USB if you have the right connectors, but as to the specifics of then sharing it I don't know. Intrenet sharing does prompt you along the way but it's something you'd just have to try.
Well if both computers have a wireless card and support it. You could theoretically setup an ad-hoc network between the two computers and then setup inet sharing on one of them. Again never done it, pulling it off will be a trial and error thing.
yep...never heard of ad-hoc before till I started doing some reading...had too much to get done to worry w/ it however we are still having other issues....
When we get some time want to pick your brain...you too busy for a little IM?
I am connected through a Enet cable...Can he use me as a "gateway?" to used Internet? like link via usb, serial, WIFI or whatever and just run of my I-net connection?
Does that explain it right?
I know you can connect two machines via serial and USB if you have the right connectors, but as to the specifics of then sharing it I don't know. Intrenet sharing does prompt you along the way but it's something you'd just have to try.
Thx for the help...
When we get some time want to pick your brain...you too busy for a little IM?
Gonna start new thread though...got to do w/ networking!