matlab solver - grid search
I have a problem with matlab.
I need a solver that can change three variables as follows:
x1 = x1+0.001
x2 = x2+0.001
x3 = x3+0.001
until another parameter y < 0.1
I now made it with 3 for loops, but this is way to slow for the interval i have to variate the variables.
Does anyone know a quicker way, like a solver, because i dont understand the matlab help concerning solvers.
Thanks in advance.
I have a problem with matlab.
I need a solver that can change three variables as follows:
x1 = x1+0.001
x2 = x2+0.001
x3 = x3+0.001
until another parameter y < 0.1
I now made it with 3 for loops, but this is way to slow for the interval i have to variate the variables.
Does anyone know a quicker way, like a solver, because i dont understand the matlab help concerning solvers.
Thanks in advance.
please copy and paste it in between [php] [/php] tags!
one easy way to do this is to change the step size on your loops (make them like .5 instead of .1). If you find a value that works, then great. If you don't, then take the space that corresponds to the smallest value, and do the search with the smaller step size.
Increasing the stepsize is not really the option, because it will not find a solution then.
On thing to think about is if you really want to search for the answer over the entire space - phi is probably some angle (correct) - would you expect to get an answer that had |phi| > 80?
This code does what is called a grid search. It steps over the space at a large step size (.5), finds the best value at that step size. Then, it looks at a range near that optimum at a smaller step size(.1), and finds the best value at that step size. This is repeated at (.01).
There is an error in the printf statement (at least on my version of matlab), but it is working.
rho0 = 1.225;
labda = -0.0065;
T0 = 288.15;
g0 = 9.80665;
R = 287.05;
%%Aircraft 1 parameters (index 1)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
S_1 = 154;
W_1 = [0 0 -17463.49];
Cd0_1 = 0.01232;
AR_1 = 23;
e_1 = 0.8765;
%%Aircraft 2 parameters (index 2)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
S_2 = 154;
W_2 = [0 0 -17463.49];
Cd0_2 = 0.01232;
AR_2 = 23;
e_2 = 0.8765;
%%Cable parameters%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
sigma_ultimate = 1.1E9;
j = 2;
rho_c = 700;
%Jet stream inputs
H_delta = 1978.50;
W_delta = 16.48;
windratio = 0.7;
%Aircraft 1 inputs
AOA_1 = 9;
Vy_1 = [0 29 0];
Vz_1 = [0 0 0];
H_cruise_1 = 11000;
%Kite inputs
Vz_2 = [0 0 0];
%Cable inputs
d_c = 5;
%%Atmosphere calculations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
rho_1 = rho0*(1+labda*H_cruise_1/T0)^(-(g0/(R*labda)+1));
H_cruise_2 = H_cruise_1 - H_delta;
rho_2 = rho0*(1+labda*H_cruise_2/T0)^(-(g0/(R*labda)+1));
%%Aircraft calculations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Lift and drag coefficient
Cl_1 = AOA_1*pi/180*2*pi*AR_1/(2+sqrt(4+AR_1^2));
Cd_1 = Cd0_1 + Cl_1^2/(pi*AR_1*e_1);
Vx_1 = [W_delta*windratio 0 0];
V_1 = Vx_1 + Vy_1 + Vz_1;
V_1_size = sqrt(sum(V_1.^2));
%%LOOP: Change phi_1 until Fy_1 = 0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
phi_1 = 0;
T(2) = 1;
while(abs(T(2)) > 0.01)
phi_1 = phi_1+0.0001;
%Lift and drag
L_1_size = 0.5*rho_1*V_1_size^2*Cl_1*S_1;
L_1 = [-L_1_size*sin(phi_1*pi/180)*Vy_1(2)/V_1_size L_1_size*sin(phi_1*pi/180)*Vx_1(1)/V_1_size L_1_size*cos(phi_1*pi/180)];
D_1_size = 0.5*rho_1*V_1_size^2*Cd_1*S_1;
D_1 = [-D_1_size*Vx_1(1)/V_1_size -D_1_size*Vy_1(2)/V_1_size 0];
%%Cable calculations 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Cable height 1
H_cable_1 = H_delta*windratio;
%Maximum cable tension
T_max = sigma_ultimate/j*(d_c/1000)^2*pi/4;
%Cable drag 1
Dx_c1 = -1/3*1/2*rho_1*Vx_1.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_1;
Dy_c1 = -1/3*1/2*rho_1*Vy_1.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_1;
Dz_c1 = -1/3*1/2*rho_1*Vz_1.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_1;
D_c1 = Dx_c1 + Dy_c1 + Dz_c1;
%%Tension force equilibrium%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Fx_1 = [L_1(1)+D_1(1)+D_c1(1) 0 0];
Fy_1 = [0 L_1(2)+D_1(2)+D_c1(2) 0];
Fz_1 = [0 0 L_1(3)+ D_1(3)+ D_c1(3)+W_1(3)];
T = Fx_1 + Fy_1 + Fz_1;
T_size = sqrt(sum(T.^2));
%cable angle
beta_1 = atan(Fz_1(3)/Fx_1(1))*180/pi;
%kite calculations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%LOOP: vary AOA_2, Vy_2, phi_2 so that T1 = T2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Vy_2 = [0 0 0];
ARange =[-2 14];
iRange =[-40 40];
phiRange = [-90 90]
for step = [.5 .1 .01]
for AOA_2 = ARange(1):step:ARange(2)
for i = iRange(1):step:iRange(2)
Vy_2(2) = i;
for phi_2 = phiRange(1):step:phiRange(2)
%Lift and drag coefficient
Cl_2 = AOA_2*pi/180*2*pi*AR_2/(2+sqrt(4+AR_2^2));
Cd_2 = Cd0_2 + Cl_2^2/(pi*AR_2*e_2);
Vx_2 = [W_delta-Vx_1(1) 0 0];
V_2 = Vx_2 + Vy_2 + Vz_2;
V_2_size = sqrt(sum(V_2.^2));
%Lift and drag
L_2_size = 0.5*rho_2*V_2_size^2*Cl_2*S_2;
L_2 = [-L_2_size*sin(phi_2*pi/180)*Vy_2(2)/V_2_size L_2_size*sin(phi_2*pi/180)*Vx_2(1)/V_2_size L_2_size*cos(phi_2*pi/180)];
D_2_size = 0.5*rho_2*V_2_size^2*Cd_2*S_2*sign(V_2_size);
D_2 = [-D_2_size*Vx_2(1)/V_2_size -D_2_size*Vy_2(2)/V_2_size 0];
%%Cable calculations 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Cable height 1
H_cable_2 = H_delta - H_cable_1;
%Cable drag 1
Dx_c2 = -1/3*1/2*rho_2*Vx_2.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_2;
Dy_c2 = -1/3*1/2*rho_2*Vy_2.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_2;
Dz_c2 = -1/3*1/2*rho_2*Vz_2.^2*d_c/1000*H_cable_2;
D_c2 = Dx_c2 + Dy_c2 + Dz_c2;
%%Tension force equilibrium%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Fx_2 = [L_2(1)+D_2(1)+D_c2(1) 0 0];
Fy_2 = [0 L_2(2)+D_2(2)+D_c2(2) 0];
Fz_2 = [0 0 L_2(3)+ D_2(3)+ D_c2(3)+W_2(3)];
T_2 = Fx_2 + Fy_2 + Fz_2;
T_size_2 = sqrt(sum(T.^2));
%Cable angle
beta_2 = atan(Fz_2(3)/Fx_2(1))*180/pi;
dFx = Fx_1(1) - Fx_2(1);
dFy = Fy_1(2)^2 + Fy_2(2)^2;
dFz = Fz_1(3) + Fz_2(3);
dF = dFx^2 + dFy^2 +dFz^2;
if dF < 1
elseif dF < minVal
minVal = dF
% if dF < 1
% printf('done');
% break;
% end
% if dF < 1
% printf('done');
% break;
% end
ARange = [minA-4*step minA+4*step]
iRange = [minI-4*step minI+4*step]
phiRange = [minPhi-4*step minPhi+4*step]
for step=[.5 .1 .01]
line to get better accuracy. I wouldn't decrease step size by more than a power of 10 each time, though.
If you're not finding an optimum, you can also increase the "4" below to something a bit larger
ARange = /COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]minA[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]-[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step minA[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#007700
iRange = /COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]minI[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]-[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step minI[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#007700
phiRange = /COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]minPhi[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]-[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step minPhi[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]*[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]step[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700