How to: Install Unreal 2004 on Linux?

RWBRWB Icrontian
edited June 2007 in Science & Tech
So... any info on how I am to install this game on Linux? Because I ain't gotta clue...


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2007
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Yeah I've got that, I should elaborate though that my CDROM doesn't mount or unmount... it shows in the thing similar to My Computer... I opened the .sh script it runs asks for disk 2... my CDROM refuses to open though at that point.

    Hell actually I can't even abort the install now...

    Ohh and hey.... eat ****.
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2007
    Open up a console

    Make sure your a normal user do not become a superuser (root)
    cd /media

    your cdrom should be in there (or it might be in /mnt)
    cd cdrom (It might be something else like the label)

    theres a file called or something among those lines.

    If it says no executable permissions copy the contents of the cdrom to your home folder.
    mkdir ~/ut2004-install
    cp -R * ~/ut2004-install/

    after its finished copying
    cd ~
    chmod -R 700 ut2004-install (This will give you full permission)

    cd ut2004-install
    ./ (or whatever it was)

    After its installed you can delete the installer folder.

    edit: If something crashes and you can't force quit you can get it out of your sight by just opening up a console typing in xkill and clicking on the window you want to kill.
    (The process will still run but its not longer on your screen)

    edit: btw im assuming your using gnome it automatically mounts in /media

    edit: If you need help just aim me if Im on I will try to help. (I PMed you my aim).

    edit: Also do you have your graphics card drivers installed to check.
    glxinfo | grep rendering
    If it says direct rendering: yes

    Then you have 3d acceleration.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Dude you're fantastic, though I did manage to get it installed... I've been checking into the patch which is in a tar.bz2 file but coming into a problem.

    cd UT2004-Patch/
    bash: cd: UT2004-Patch/: No such file or directory
    cd Desktop
    Desktop$ cd UT2004-Patch/
    Desktop/UT2004-Patch$ sudo mv -rv * /usr/local/games/ut2004/
    mv: invalid option -- r
    Try `mv --help' for more information.
    Desktop/UT2004-Patch$ [/php]

    And yeah, so far it's going much more smoothly than all the other times I tried Linux, this time I actually "think" I got the graphics drivers installed, you're above post did give me the feedback saying direct rendering: yes, so that's good. But when I do my Google searches I comes up with tons of results with just a bunch of random crap, like Thrax's post I had already been to, but it still refused to install so I figured I did something wrong. I found that I can right click on the icon in the My Computer type screen for the CDROM to eject it like Windows. But... I was right clicking on the wrong icon HAH..HAH. Wound up just rebooting to get the program to quit.
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2007
    No problem

    mv has no recursive option. (The -R)

    And for installing the patch.
    tar -xjf ut2004-linux-patch.tar.bz2
    cd ut2004-patch

    You should see a bunch of folders in it like System, Music, ect

    Just move these to the location you have ut2004 installed (The default is ~/ut2004)
    mv * ~/ut2004

    After a few seconds it should finish moving congrats you have a fully patched ut2004.
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