How to: Install Unreal 2004 on Linux?
So... any info on how I am to install this game on Linux? Because I ain't gotta clue...
Hell actually I can't even abort the install now...
Ohh and hey.... eat ****.
Make sure your a normal user do not become a superuser (root)
your cdrom should be in there (or it might be in /mnt)
theres a file called or something among those lines.
If it says no executable permissions copy the contents of the cdrom to your home folder.
after its finished copying
After its installed you can delete the installer folder.
edit: If something crashes and you can't force quit you can get it out of your sight by just opening up a console typing in xkill and clicking on the window you want to kill.
(The process will still run but its not longer on your screen)
edit: btw im assuming your using gnome it automatically mounts in /media
edit: If you need help just aim me if Im on I will try to help. (I PMed you my aim).
edit: Also do you have your graphics card drivers installed to check. If it says direct rendering: yes
Then you have 3d acceleration.
cd UT2004-Patch/
bash: cd: UT2004-Patch/: No such file or directory
cd Desktop
Desktop$ cd UT2004-Patch/
Desktop/UT2004-Patch$ sudo mv -rv * /usr/local/games/ut2004/
mv: invalid option -- r
Try `mv --help' for more information.
Desktop/UT2004-Patch$ [/php]
And yeah, so far it's going much more smoothly than all the other times I tried Linux, this time I actually "think" I got the graphics drivers installed, you're above post did give me the feedback saying direct rendering: yes, so that's good. But when I do my Google searches I comes up with tons of results with just a bunch of random crap, like Thrax's post I had already been to, but it still refused to install so I figured I did something wrong. I found that I can right click on the icon in the My Computer type screen for the CDROM to eject it like Windows. But... I was right clicking on the wrong icon HAH..HAH. Wound up just rebooting to get the program to quit.
mv has no recursive option. (The -R)
And for installing the patch.
You should see a bunch of folders in it like System, Music, ect
Just move these to the location you have ut2004 installed (The default is ~/ut2004)
After a few seconds it should finish moving congrats you have a fully patched ut2004.