I remember last year there was hours of discussion about how the prize drawing was actually gonna work, then when we actually got going people still weren't happy with the results (thus the several people joking about how Prime's kids got inordinate amounts of prizes, which wasn't prime's fault, but which could have been avoided with a better drawing method).
I know it's not about the prizes, and it seems petty to worry about it, and all that yada yada, but the prizes are sweet, and there are few enough attendees that everyone proly goes in expecting to atleast be lucky enough to get something cool, and everyone will have a lot more fun with the prize drawings if they feel that it's being done fairly.
I suggest that a concrete plan for how the drawing will run be made before the LAN begins.
If a plan has already been made, then please ignore the rest of this post, wherein, I make simple recommendations.
I recommend using a similar system to last year, with a couple of exceptions.
Last year we drew names for the big prizes first, then drew names to let people pick whatever they wanted from the collection of not-so big prizes.
Here's what I would change: If the best/biggest prizes are being drawn for first, we don't need to put those winners names back in the bucket for the smaller prizes, putting names back in the bucket is only a good idea if the prizes are being given out from smallest to largest, to make sure that getting a small prize doesn't take you out of the running for a sweet prize. IMO, it doesn't matter if getting a big prize takes you out of the running for small prizes.
Also, the only people whose names should be in the bucket are people who paid the registration fee for the event. Seems obvious, but it hasn't been the case in past years.
Just to be clear, I'm not grousing or complaining here, I'm happy with the stuff I've won in the past, and I recognize that the event is not about the prizes, but IMHO this part of the LAN would be more enjoyable for everyone if there was a concrete, immutable plan in place before the event begins. It would certainly be less of a pita for Prime.
Infact, now that I think about it all of the complaints about last years LAN (no matter how great an event is, there will always be some complaints) basically boiled down to:
"This part of the event was not thoroughly planned out"
The events that received the most positive feedback (other than just hanging out, which was also fun) were the ones with the most planning: The food tour is a good example. A lot of planning was put into that event, and a lot of people are looking forward to it this year. (Mmmm.... food tour....)
I'm glad that Q is doing some planning for the people who really want to play video games this year... I think they will have a lot more fun.
Okay, now I'm just rambling... sorry, I'll return you to your regularly scheduled Swag Thread...
I have to say that CB's post has a lot of merit, and quite honestly I've heard a lot more good ideas from him than just that - howsabout you guys let him into the supar sekrit planning clubhouse?
Q's planning is really going to come in handy this year. The (lack of) gaming last year was the one item that got the most grousing, and I think his advance work is going to do a lot of good for it.
Here's what I would change: If the best/biggest prizes are being drawn for first, we don't need to put those winners names back in the bucket for the smaller prizes, putting names back in the bucket is only a good idea if the prizes are being given out from smallest to largest, to make sure that getting a small prize doesn't take you out of the running for a sweet prize. IMO, it doesn't matter if getting a big prize takes you out of the running for small prizes.
Actually this is exactly what we did. EVERYBODY was in the pool for the big prizes, and then when those were taken out, the pool got smaller for the "smaller" prizes. Nobody won two prizes, unless you count ocz thermal paste or other small things.
Also, the only people whose names should be in the bucket are people who paid the registration fee for the event. Seems obvious, but it hasn't been the case in past years.
Yes it has. The only people who haven't paid "registration fees" are my two kids, so I assume this is a subtle jab at their winning the prizes. I expressed my doubts several times about allowing my kids in the drawing but everyone involved in the planning (including the other two site owners) agreed that myself and my two kids should be allowed in the drawing, especially considering how many thousands of dollars I personally spend out of pocket to throw these parties for the last three years.
This seems like sour grapes (still!!) - if my kids hadn't won the big prizes, nobody would have cared if their names were in the drawing.
Just to be clear, I'm not grousing or complaining here, I'm happy with the stuff I've won in the past, and I recognize that the event is not about the prizes, but IMHO this part of the LAN would be more enjoyable for everyone if there was a concrete, immutable plan in place before the event begins. It would certainly be less of a pita for Prime.
There always was a concrete, immutable plan for the prize drawings: Throw your badge in the bucket and we draw them out for each prize. It's simple. There's never been any complaints about a "lack of planning" for the prize drawing.
I distinctly remember that there where people who won big prizes, then also won little prizes because there names were put back in.
Also, I wasn't making a jab or experiencing sour grapes. I personally didn't have a problem with it... What I'm thinking of right now, is a mental image I have of you holding your son's nametag in your hand, and hesitating a momment before reading the winner... It looked to me like you were consitering redrawing... It looked like you had decided it was a mistake to put their names in, but I wasen't in your head, so I don't know what was going on there... :/
For some reason, I thought there were a couple of other 'guests' in the pot, but I was proly misinterpreting something... maybe they were just standing around when we were drawing, but didn't have names in the pot...
What I'm thinking of right now, is a mental image I have of you holding your son's nametag in your hand, and hesitating a momment before reading the winner... It looked to me like you were consitering redrawing... It looked like you had decided it was a mistake to put their names in, but I wasen't in your head, so I don't know what was going on there... :/
I'll tell you exactly what was going on in my head: "This is gonna cause nothing but trouble..." and I was somewhat right. A year later and we're still hearing all the jokes about my kids winning.
There will be two prize drawings. One associated with the gaming aspect, and the other associated with the entire event. The prizes are split up to favor the entire event but still offer some sweet prizes for the gamers.
As for the gamers... there will be raffle tickets, no name badges. There will be a one big prize and one small prize limit for each gamer. Extra tickets drawn for a person will be ignored. The tickets will be given out for more than just winning... if you play, you get a ticket. If you setup your own mini tournament (and notify me ahead of time), you get tickets... I am not looking for the best gamer to have so many tickets that s/he claims all the prizes. I'm looking for people to play as much as possible. Besides, I hope to have most of the tournaments team based with a good mix of players to avoid having a Thrax/ Sharky team that wipes out everyone in a few minutes.
Wowzers... CB is not totally wrong and neither is Prime. You see, what actually happened was that Prime put all of the names in the plastic-case-box-thing and then proceeded to pull names. He then pulled names until all of the names were picked, then he put everyones name back in....
omfg yes.
Primes kids will win it, lol! Rigged!
EDIT: On a more serious note, though; if Prime or any of his family members win the Grand Prize I will be so angry.
DIET EDIT: Though Prime may deserve it. *wink
DIET ZERO EDIT: And I think we should give away the C&C games before the LAN starts so that we can have people actually playing it.
I know it's not about the prizes, and it seems petty to worry about it, and all that yada yada, but the prizes are sweet, and there are few enough attendees that everyone proly goes in expecting to atleast be lucky enough to get something cool, and everyone will have a lot more fun with the prize drawings if they feel that it's being done fairly.
I suggest that a concrete plan for how the drawing will run be made before the LAN begins.
If a plan has already been made, then please ignore the rest of this post, wherein, I make simple recommendations.
I recommend using a similar system to last year, with a couple of exceptions.
Last year we drew names for the big prizes first, then drew names to let people pick whatever they wanted from the collection of not-so big prizes.
Here's what I would change: If the best/biggest prizes are being drawn for first, we don't need to put those winners names back in the bucket for the smaller prizes, putting names back in the bucket is only a good idea if the prizes are being given out from smallest to largest, to make sure that getting a small prize doesn't take you out of the running for a sweet prize. IMO, it doesn't matter if getting a big prize takes you out of the running for small prizes.
Also, the only people whose names should be in the bucket are people who paid the registration fee for the event. Seems obvious, but it hasn't been the case in past years.
Just to be clear, I'm not grousing or complaining here, I'm happy with the stuff I've won in the past, and I recognize that the event is not about the prizes, but IMHO this part of the LAN would be more enjoyable for everyone if there was a concrete, immutable plan in place before the event begins. It would certainly be less of a pita for Prime.
Infact, now that I think about it all of the complaints about last years LAN (no matter how great an event is, there will always be some complaints) basically boiled down to:
"This part of the event was not thoroughly planned out"
The events that received the most positive feedback (other than just hanging out, which was also fun) were the ones with the most planning: The food tour is a good example. A lot of planning was put into that event, and a lot of people are looking forward to it this year. (Mmmm.... food tour....)
I'm glad that Q is doing some planning for the people who really want to play video games this year... I think they will have a lot more fun.
Okay, now I'm just rambling...
Q's planning is really going to come in handy this year. The (lack of) gaming last year was the one item that got the most grousing, and I think his advance work is going to do a lot of good for it.
Actually this is exactly what we did. EVERYBODY was in the pool for the big prizes, and then when those were taken out, the pool got smaller for the "smaller" prizes. Nobody won two prizes, unless you count ocz thermal paste or other small things.
Yes it has. The only people who haven't paid "registration fees" are my two kids, so I assume this is a subtle jab at their winning the prizes. I expressed my doubts several times about allowing my kids in the drawing but everyone involved in the planning (including the other two site owners) agreed that myself and my two kids should be allowed in the drawing, especially considering how many thousands of dollars I personally spend out of pocket to throw these parties for the last three years.
This seems like sour grapes (still!!) - if my kids hadn't won the big prizes, nobody would have cared if their names were in the drawing.
There always was a concrete, immutable plan for the prize drawings: Throw your badge in the bucket and we draw them out for each prize. It's simple. There's never been any complaints about a "lack of planning" for the prize drawing.
I distinctly remember that there where people who won big prizes, then also won little prizes because there names were put back in.
Also, I wasn't making a jab or experiencing sour grapes. I personally didn't have a problem with it... What I'm thinking of right now, is a mental image I have of you holding your son's nametag in your hand, and hesitating a momment before reading the winner... It looked to me like you were consitering redrawing... It looked like you had decided it was a mistake to put their names in, but I wasen't in your head, so I don't know what was going on there... :/
For some reason, I thought there were a couple of other 'guests' in the pot, but I was proly misinterpreting something... maybe they were just standing around when we were drawing, but didn't have names in the pot...
I didn't mean to offend if I did.
I'll tell you exactly what was going on in my head: "This is gonna cause nothing but trouble..." and I was somewhat right. A year later and we're still hearing all the jokes about my kids winning.
As for the gamers... there will be raffle tickets, no name badges. There will be a one big prize and one small prize limit for each gamer. Extra tickets drawn for a person will be ignored. The tickets will be given out for more than just winning... if you play, you get a ticket. If you setup your own mini tournament (and notify me ahead of time), you get tickets... I am not looking for the best gamer to have so many tickets that s/he claims all the prizes. I'm looking for people to play as much as possible. Besides, I hope to have most of the tournaments team based with a good mix of players to avoid having a Thrax/ Sharky team that wipes out everyone in a few minutes.
...oh wait....
thats gonna be me anyways;D
gimme an award or something!...haha
Drinking is it's own reward
The XBOX 360 just arrived via USPS!!!!
good thing I wasn't hungover or anything signing Prime's name
OH THE DRAMA!...(singing the happy happy joy joy song!)