Just got BF1942
I went out to BestBuy today and picked up BF1942, since it will be played at the lan, and everyone seems to like it. I have played 4 missions now and killed about 5 people. I really suck at this game, but hopefully I will get better. The main problem I have is that my team will just go the other way from the enemies and Im standing out in a freakin deserts getting blown up every ^$%& time. So I get in a vehicle and meet 4 tanks and boom, there I go again. God the computer sucks controling my team.
I'm like "GET OUT OF THE TANK" and if I keep hitting "E" enough times, sometimes I can get in
you can get into a vehicle that has a bot on your team in it by hitting e. you just have to do it a couple of times. if they're driving away, though, sometimes you won't get enough e's in until they are out of range of the e (use) effect.