Strange Entry on when i right click on files.

Well i was right clicking on a folder to see the properties, When at the top I see bolded text. It isn't a word like qwwrftf. Anyway when i click it it says chose the program you want to open this file with. So I read up on the list and it has to do with file extension actions. So I look at them and under drive it shows it and under File Folder it shows it. And I look on how to remove them, but the remove option is inactive, well greyed out. So how can I remove these im guessing File list actions?
Any help will be appreciated.

[Edit]And if it helps my OS is Windows XP Pro SP2


  • edited June 2007
    Okay well I did it, Went through the registry and found the file list thing. Removed the keys and its finished. Now i just need to get Open as default for the file extension action. If anyone knows how to do that please help.
  • edited June 2007
    Okay, I'm sorry for opening this thread, I wasn't really thinking this afternoon, a lot was going wrong and then I found out my computer was tampered with, All that was needed was work in the registry. If anyone has the same problem, heres what you do.
    • Run regedit.
    • Be sure to export any data before you delete it.
    • The Registry keys will be in the directory of: My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
    • There you will find the options for file folders when you right click.
    If you cannot change your default action go to the key:
    • My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
    • There will be a key in there called (Default). This is what the default file action is set to.
    • Now modify the data to Open.
    This will set the default action to Open, in other words, when you double on a folder it will open it.
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