6/17 super news roundup: Part one

ThraxThrax 🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
edited June 2007 in Science & Tech
Want some grant money from DARPA? Your very own military contract? Do you like building robots and WiFi meshes? Then the LANdroid project might be for you! They're seeking plans for disposable robots capable of establishing and maintaining wireless networks in hostile areas.

RHEL has achieved the highest security rating afforded by the US government to operating systems. With an "EAL4 Augmented with ALC_FLR.3" certification, RHEL appears to be all sorts of Fort Knoxified against intrusion, malware, exploits and other such ilk. Read more about it: Here

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com, reports that the final instalment of the lauded Harry Potter series of novels will not generate a tidy profit. Due to cost-cutting measures and fierce competition on these books, Bezos & Friends will have to settle with breaking even. TheInq has the 411.

The American Medical Association (AMA) is interested in further research to declare the playing of video games an addiction and/or illness. Read more about the absurdity: Here

As the crystal ball of chippery churns, AMD emerges from the murky depths with some information about future CPUs. With 45nm processors, new code names and new technology in the wing for 2008, is it another case of too little, too late for the boys in green? Penryn is hitting soon. Or will AMD smack another homerum? Who knows! Read: Here.

For the first time since the conglomeration of the OSDF and the FSG, the Linux Foundation is staging a get-together in G-Town. Google, that is. The indexers of the universe are playing host to the Linux devs, as they discuss the future of the project and movement. Check it out: Here

Check back later with another instalment of newsy goodness!
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