Chaintech AV-710 7.1 Audio Card

Sometimes all the bells and whistles aren't required. Why pay for the "extras" that may go unused? Some people just want to listen to music or watch a DVD with high-quality multi-channel audio support. Chaintech made the AV-710 a highly affordable solution that delivers 7.1 channel sound with the quality of the ENVY24 chipset. The AV-710 is half to two-thirds the cost of other Envy chip solutions but what does it deliver and what does it lack?
Chaintech AV-710 7.1 Audio Card
Chaintech AV-710 7.1 Audio Card
I own this card, and have been looking for a few days about the "Front Audio" Jumpers.. Its difficult to hookup without a layout of the connections.
If you know em I'd really appretiate this.