its getting an Adult Only Rating and will not be sold at wal-mart.... and it is officially banned in the UK...
do u think pretending to strangle someone via the wii is worth 50 bucks?
Both Nintendo and Sony do not allow AO rated games on their systems, the only exception to this was GTA: San Andreas and they gave that an AO rating after the hot-coffee mod was found so the game was already released, they made Rockstar remove the hot-coffee content before they would be able to continue production of the game.
Both Nintendo and Sony do not allow AO rated games on their systems, the only exception to this was GTA: San Andreas and they gave that an AO rating after the hot-coffee mod was found so the game was already released, they made Rockstar remove the hot-coffee content before they would be able to continue production of the game.
Or we could just run it on are pc's, or xbox 360's.
I will end you.
we might have to utilize a spyware proggie for this one..
Oh man...
I have an idea, why don't we add Jack Thompsons' name to the swear filter?
I think thats the best idea I have ever heard and I fully support the idea of it being added.
Both Nintendo and Sony do not allow AO rated games on their systems, the only exception to this was GTA: San Andreas and they gave that an AO rating after the hot-coffee mod was found so the game was already released, they made Rockstar remove the hot-coffee content before they would be able to continue production of the game.
Actually the latest news is, Manhunt 2 has been shelved until they can figure this whole thing out. LOL srry guys.
No big loss im just pointing out the fact that theres more then just the ps3 and wii out there.