Firefox and bookmark placeholder issue with IC websites

edited June 2007 in Community
I've noticed this problem for a while on several of my computers and using Forefox, both with the Icrontic site and the Short Media site before. When I make a bookmark to either the front page or the forums in FF, it doesn't take the little placeholder icon that is on the site and use it; it just uses the generic placemarker next to the name of the bookmark. But the little placeholder does show in FF's address bar. And to further confuse me, the little placeholder did copy into a shortcut I just made in IE7 (yuck to use!), just to see if it was browser centric.

One thing I noticed is that the placemarks in some S-M bookmarks I made quite a while ago have stayed active in FF on some of my older installs of FF.

And these websites here are the only ones I am having this problem with, so it seems to be confined to something with the way something is coded (or whatever, I have no real clue).

Is anybody else having this problem with the bookmark placeholder in FF on their computers?


  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Yeah, I've been toying with this for a while, even had a conversation over on Anandtech about it. Dexter has been PMing a bit about it too. You might notice PCPer's favicon has the same issue.

    It does look like a FF-only bug and doesn't have anything to do with the code. I've tried every variation that exists in that respect.

    The current theory is that it has to do with the ico format itself - that perhaps only icons with ONLY the 16x16 format embedded in PRECISELY 16 colors will work. I've done the 16x16 format only to no avail. I'm going to DL another icon editor this week and try forcing it to 16 colors only - see if that does it.
  • edited June 2007
    OK, cool to hear you're on it, Matt. :thumbsup: And I'm glad to hear that it's not just me this is happening to also. I hope you can find out what the deal is though. What I find is weird is that the bookmarks I made from several months or a year ago had no problems with the favicon (now I know what to call it :D ). Did anything change with the favicons since then?
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    muddocktor wrote:
    Did anything change with the favicons since then?
    Yes, the favicon is new, and the entire site changed. The favicon hasn't stuck since the version Dan coded that I took offline in January.
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, obviously the IC favicon is new, but I wasn't sure of the timeline when the old one's quit bookmarking right in FF. :)
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited June 2007
    I ran into this problem with the site I help admin, and managed to get it working, which is what I have been discussing with Keebs. It's a two fold issue, one being that FF only likes a certain resolution of icon when saving the icon for bookmarking (16 x 16) and two being that Vbulletin needs a bit of a code tweak to make the favicon work properly in FF 2.0 +. I just sent Keebs a PM with a link to an edit I just did of the icon file, hopefully that does the trick.

  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    The icon did the trick - the code bit isn't necessary as long as the favicon is in the doc root of the site and the base forum directory. Thanks, Dex! :cheers2:
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited June 2007
    Hey, look at that pretty little Icrontic icon in my bookmarks now. :D

    Glad to have been able to help.


    /edited to add: anyone struggling with this issue, download a program called Icon Sushi, use it to open your .ico file, and delete anything that is not 16 x 16. The colour depth can be 24 or 32 bit (the one here at Icrontic is now 24 bit, the one I use at my site is 32 for transparency) but make sure you only have a single 16 x 16 sized icon in the file or FF will not be able to use it for a bookmark icon. Save as a new .ico file, then rename it to favicon.ico, and upload to your FTP overwriting existing copies on your server, if you have a forum then you should upload it to both the webroot and the forum root as Keebs mentioned. You may have to get users to throw out their old bookmark, clear all FF Private Data (Cache and Browsing History) and then re-bookmark the site.

    If the icon edit does not solve it on it's own, add the following code somewhere on your HTML page in the header, or for a Vbulletin forum, add this to the headinclude template in the styles menu:

    [php]<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> [/php]

    That should solve it for you.
  • edited June 2007
    Great job guys! That fixed it for me too. :D

    Dexter, it's good to have you back visiting and helping again. Don't be a stranger man! :thumbsup:
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited June 2007
    Hey Mudd,

    thanks, I am going to try to be less of a stranger 'round these parts. :)

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