!!~Team Committee News~!!

QCHQCH Ancient GuruChicago Area - USA Icrontian
edited July 2007 in Folding@Home
Ladies and gentlemen of Team #93...

First, it saddens me to report that our leader, Profdlp, has stepped down from the Folding Team Committee. Profdlp's departure came as a surprise to the committee and left us without a Team Leader, a Parts Manager, and Milestone Poster... :sad2:

Profdlp has been a driving force behind the team for many years. He has been the SMx Parts Manager for almost three years and recently elected Chairperson (Captain) of the team. He almost single handedly doubled the SMx rigs over an 18 month period and posted 95% of all the milestones for as long as I can remember.

The greatest loss is his voice in the the team and committee. He will be missed and we hope he returns sometime soon. Steve.... Thank you for everything... we will keep a candle lit for you!!! :bigggrin:

piece of news... I have accepted Profdlp's Chairperson position. I hope I can provide some semblance of the quality of his leadership during the next few months. We have a ton of things that need to be addressed and I hope to bring the Team through these things and put us in the position to gain on some teams.

I have also taken on the monumental job of posting milestones... I find it somewhat difficult to keep up but your milestones WILL be posted. ;)

Third piece of news... Sledgehammer70 has been elected Parts Manager for the SMx project. Sledgehammer's job will be very difficult because of Steve's outstanding job at the Parts Manager.

Fourth piece of news... there is an official, binding, POLL on changing or not changing the team name. It's HERE.....

OK... that's it.:bigggrin:


  • jaredjared College Station, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Well, congrats on the "promotion" Q!

    I have no doubt in my mind you will an excellent team captain. :cool:

    Cheers to Q and his new position! :cheers2:

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    jared wrote:
    Well, congrats on the "promotion" Q!

    I have no doubt in my mind you will an excellent team captain. :cool:

    Cheers to Q and his new position! :cheers2:

    Thanks, Jared. I'm not sure I'm totally prepared to handle everything but I will do my best. :D
  • NLichtmanNLichtman Spring Valley, CA
    edited June 2007
    We will miss you, oh Great and Powerful Profdlp! :respect:

    Q, we know that you can do it! Sledge, do the best that you can.

    FOR WE ARE:csimon::csimon::csimon::csimon::csimon:FOLDING PHAROAH'S
  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited June 2007
    Congratulations to Q & Sledge on their promotions within the team. :):):) We will miss you though Prof, :respect: hope you'll stay around the boards.
  • IndigoRedIndigoRed Perth Western Australia Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    We will still go forward to bigger and better things.
    To Profdlp, the proof of your skill is evident, and a legacy you can be proud of.
    To Q & Sledge, the groundwork is laid. The ball is there for you to kick it on. Best of luck, and by the fact that you are already committee members, your skills will see you through.

    Team 93 won't falter!
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited June 2007
    We can't speak highly enough of the effort that Steve has put into the folding team. In our books, you will always be Number one (retired).

    All the best mate.:thumbsup:

    Jon & Sally

    On a different note, Q and Sledge, congratulations to you both. Remember, one can only do what one can, especially with a family of little ones. We're sure you'll do the Team proud.:)
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    congrats Q and sledge!
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    I will do what I can to get parts rolling and new rigs cogulating... (I so just made a new word)
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited June 2007
    Have a great retirement Prof, you deserve a break after the heroic efforts you have made in the past. The milestone thread must have been a real bind although welcome by all. Getting the parts, testing and shipping out SMX rigs must also have taken a lot of time. A thousand thanks mate.:)

    Q, you've also been around for a long time supporting Steve in his role and adding your own helpful advice and encouragement to the newer members. I'm sure you'll be able to step up a gear and follow in the Prof's footprints.....or even perhaps add a new twist? Good luck. :)

    Sledge, I remember when you first started and I was impressed then with your boundless energy....you've never stopped! Congrats on the new position, I'm sure you'll make a good go at it. :)
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited June 2007
    Sorry to see Steve leave, I'll miss him :sad2:
    But Q and Hammer I know you'll do a good job :)
    It's kinda nice to see it will take two to fill Steve's shoes
    I didn't think his feet were that big :D
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited July 2007
    First, Let me congratulate you Q on taking over as team captain.
    I know you'll do a great job friend.
    I'd also like to thank Prof for his long dedicated servitude to the team.
    Thanks Prof, Job well done friend.
    Also, I wanted to give you a team welcome letter I had worked on for Icrontic, which we have changed back to now as far as name.
    I changed a couple little things like team # to refer to team 93 now, but basically it's still the same as when I worked it over before.
    You can add a team banner to the top to make it stand out a little too.
    I just wasn't sure what the team name is going to be, so I'll leave that to you.
    I'm sending it to you in case you would like to use it in the folding section or to the front page for recruitment of new members.
    Or not use it. It may be outdated by now.
    Feel free to change it however you like.
    I just didn't want to get rid of it before offering it to you for the team.
    It's written as a MS word doc. Also, I have it done in PHP I believe, if you need it.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited July 2007
    Thanks Hawk... we need to go through all of our "help" threads and clean them, make them a bit easier to navigate. This document will help. Thank you!!!
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited July 2007
    QCH2002 wrote:
    Thanks Hawk... we need to go through all of our "help" threads and clean them, make them a bit easier to navigate. This document will help. Thank you!!!

    No problem Q. Glad it might help out.
    Fold on friends.
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