FC7 help
The heart of Texas
In roughly 3 hours, I will be installing FC7, and I'm gonna need some help finding/installing drivers. I'm sick and expletive deleted of how unstable XP is, and I'm sick of randomly finding this BLACK SCREEN. Download something from here, BLACK SCREEN on reboot. I get my mouse, I can still use my desktop, and I can do anything I used to do, I just can't see it. This is the fifth time, thus it is the LAST time.
Up yours, Microsoft. Tired of you not working.
Up yours, Microsoft. Tired of you not working.
Double Dammit. I use both my soundcards.
Also you should probably go with something Debian based like Ubuntu.
edit: Just a side note if you plan to go Debian all of stables software (etch) is quite old testing (lenny) is a good balance and unstable (sid) is always in a state of change one update might break every proprietary piece of software on your machine.
The only propitiatory drivers you need are ati's.
The audigy has full support built into the kernel if you use Debian you will need to recompile your kernel for support, on Ubuntu everything but 3d will work out of the box.
With FC (deadrat based) I have no idea what will work.
edit: If you need help with anything and you are on a debian based distro just pm me and I can give you my aim address. If your on a deadrat based distro I can't help you as I haven't used deadrat for over 6 years.
Just for clarification.
And, since I can't use XGL (Believe me, that was ONE of the major points for me to switch) is 4.3 usable?