Is my computer being hacked?
Comodo Firewall Pro keeps reporting...
Numerous Inbound Policy Violation (SYN ACK)
Recent messages have been saying TCP incoming (Port Unreachable) or Outbound Policy Violation (ICMP Outgoing = Port Unreachable)
I got a message yesterday saying that an attacker had been temporarily blocked and a number of ports were shown.
Numerous Inbound Policy Violation (SYN ACK)
Recent messages have been saying TCP incoming (Port Unreachable) or Outbound Policy Violation (ICMP Outgoing = Port Unreachable)
I got a message yesterday saying that an attacker had been temporarily blocked and a number of ports were shown.
If you are someones targeting you with a syn flood (a type of denial of service attack).
It is prudent to state, however, that individual users are virtually never the target of a focused hacking effort. Most people getting "Hacked" are nothing more than unfortunate victims of random IP scans, trojans, or botnets.
Hackers have bigger fish to fry.
Hopefully, everything will be OK.
Thanks for your help.
Just let me second this comment:
Unless you're last name is Gates or Buffett, a good hacker is focused elsewhere. Lots of software companies are selling fear. You have a firewall, and if you have anti-virus and download the windows updates, (and no kids clicking on "free offer" links), you are pretty protected against the random stuff.