System upkeep

Are there any programs like Ccleaner and System Mechanic that maintain and clean Ubuntu Linux or is this done solely thru Terminal?
I have noticed Google Desktop is finding - at least urls of previous sites I have visited.
Or is Linux set up in such away that this is unnecessary - as I have heard about defragmenting?
I have noticed Google Desktop is finding - at least urls of previous sites I have visited.
Or is Linux set up in such away that this is unnecessary - as I have heard about defragmenting?
Also modern file systems don't need to be defragmented. (Riser Fs places files to avoid fragmentation so does apples hfs+)
However minor fragmentation can still occur if your experiencing this copying the files and deleting the originals will solve the problem.
Just wondering if defrag is necessary in Vista?
When copying you will not be duplicating the fragmentation ?
Vista uses NTFS which needs to be defrag'd regularly.
Riser FS is intelligent enough to know where good spots to put the files on your hard-drive are, apples hfs+ does this as well.
Vista still needs defrag's even winfs in the beta's still needed to be defraged.
Personally I think Microsoft should just switch to riser fs 4 or ZFS, Sun's ZFS is a little bit better then even riserfs from what ive read. (Even apple seems to know this, the WWDC beta for Mac Os X 10.5 can read and write to ZFS.... but you can't boot from it)