Quake gamepad configuration problem
Around town
I finally now just got Quake working on my computer(which is running on XP) which was a war in it's own(for me) Anyway the graphics, sound etc is all running fine. Then I tryed to configure my gamepad, the game tells me it detects the gampad but when I go to set the controls nothing happens. So if anybody knows a program or something or just in general a way to configure a gamepad in quake. Please let me know.
How you comin' along, breakdown?
I know this probably has nothing to do with anything, but is the gamepad USB or gameport?
Hang-on... You use a gamepad and mouse at the same time? How does that work?
Instead of using W,A,S and D (or the arrow keys) on the keyboard for direction in, say, HL2. I set the pads D button to those keys. Then I set the left triggers to whatever I want. Then I set all other controls to the mouse, 11 settings on my MX1000. Now I can hold the pad in my left hand, mouse in the right and don't need to use the keyboard. This gives my arms more freedom of movement than keeping them stuck to the keyboard. Much more comfortable.