Which Processor to get?
I have been thinking of getting a new processor for my Epox 8RDA+. The trouble is that I have not been payinag ttention to any of the new stuff (not that I would know what any of it meant eve if I had). Right now I have a 1700+ in there slightly OC'd. What is a good processor for under $100. The processor I have now is good enough for what I use the computer for but I want more speed for folding.
Barton 2600+
OEM: $99
Retail: $104 (today until 4:00 PM PST only)
That is if you get one of the older ones that ane not locked. It's getting to be a crap shoot these days with the Barton's.
Kristof, I would imagine it overclocks as well as the 2500+... but I don't have official information on that.
Kristof: It does OC just as well, however, if it's locked then you're working with a higher multi, so if you just have FSB adjustment available, you wouldn't be able to go as high. With the 2500+ you just bump up the FSB to 400 and you have an instant XP3200+...
Ok 2500+ it is then. Thanks everyone!