Load needed DLLs for kernel

edited July 2007 in Hardware
[EDIT] To clear things up, I don't own the CD. :(

Hi! I need help fixing a problem. My computer refuses to boot up normally and instead it posts "Load needed DLLs for kernel" on the screen. I've scoured the entire web (using google btw) for a solution. I have found multiple solutions but the only thing they can agree on is that I need the Windows XP setup cd. However... that cd costs at least $100 and some even more! And on top of that I have some valuable data on my computer (laptop), and although they're just my pictures, movies, and music, I had my life on my computer! Sure I could just take it to some computer store, but those cost a little bit too. I just need a cheap and quick easy way to fix my laptop, but before that I may have to say on what events led up to this.

One day, as usual, I was perusing Youtube looking for some laughs when all of a sudden- my computer froze up. Well this usually happens a lot of times so I just waited it out, and it returned to normal. I was beginning to be peeved at all these freeze-ups so I went to control panel, and foolishly I clicked "Free up data on your hard drive" or something like that. Hey I thought maybe my computer's full, like a baby that needs to be burped... (lame analogy). So the little program said it was compressing files, but I had to go somewhere so I pressed cancel and shut down the computer. Then when I came back I booted up the PC and resumed my usual business. I opened up the little program again and it said it was compressing files. So I just went to youtube and looked at some videos. Then all of a sudden, BSOD, then darkness. I was surprised at best so I opened up the PC again. This happened to me before so I thought it would tell me to choose safe mode or the last good known configuration. But when I opened it up it just said "load needed DLLs for kernel". This never happened before. So I went to my desktop and researched this little flaw.
Apparently that little program that wanted to free up a few temporary internet files just went and destroyed my computer! So here I am seeking help! :banghead:


  • edited July 2007
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited July 2007
    Run memtest

    Run seatools for dos (Works fine on any drive but wd's)

    If both check out your windows got pwned and needs to be reinstalled.
  • edited July 2007
    alright i've downloaded both and i've installed seatools. now what do i do?
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited July 2007
    alright i've downloaded both and i've installed seatools. now what do i do?

    Burn the .iso's to cd's

    Im off to bed but im sure someone else can help you.
  • edited July 2007
    er...im not too tech-savvy so I'm a little confused on what to do...the only things I have are the Seatools.exe and a little folder named floppy with a bunch of files in it. Please help me
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited July 2007
    Does the error message show as soon as you start the PC?
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2007
    You need to get a copy of windows. Running the tests Grayfox mentioned will rule out hardware error. But the only way to fix it is to do a repair install.
  • edited July 2007
    trogan: yes, right after the vaio logo flashes. first a little underscore blinks then the kernel thingy shows

    kryyst: unfortunately thats what i was expecting. before i buy it though i guess ill see if any of my friends have a setup cd they want to give. however i still need to the tests. by the way how would the tests help me?
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2007
    They'd tell you if your hardware started this, as Kryyst said. You don't read good, do you...
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2007
    Also if you do a repair install it will ask you to put in the serial of the repair disk. If that is some one else's disk that's already been activated then it's of no use to you.
  • edited July 2007
    so i guess the only remaining option would be to buy my own setup cd. i guess i can save up a few bucks, buy one, and hopefully fix my laptop. however my old one (the broken one which was three years old) was pretty slow and i was already thinking of replacing it, say that i bought another laptop, could I possibly recover my data from the broken one?
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited July 2007
    so i guess the only remaining option would be to buy my own setup cd. i guess i can save up a few bucks, buy one, and hopefully fix my laptop. however my old one (the broken one which was three years old) was pretty slow and i was already thinking of replacing it, say that i bought another laptop, could I possibly recover my data from the broken one?

    Generally speaking yes. Assuming it's simply software problems on your current system (and it sounds like it probably is) you can fairly easily recover the data. One way is to by an external hdd enclosure and pull the HDD from your current laptop, put it in the enclosure and simply copy the data to your new system. That is the easiest method, costs about $40 for the hardware but it's simple and the hardware can be useful later on. You just have to make sure you get an enclosure that's made for 2.5" drives or get a regular one for a normal 3.5" drive and then get an adapter.

    The other method is that you have to get that computer on a network or booted up in some other OS, ubuntu live for example and copy the data off that drive to another source. Either a networked computer or burned to a CD.

    I strongly suggest bite the bullet by the hdd enclosure and save a lot of headache's trying to do it the other methods.
  • edited July 2007
    All right thanks for all the advice people! Just so we're clear on this, I have two options to try:

    a) Simply buy an XP Setup CD and fix the laptop. The data will be kept...I think, and it totals out to about $80. And I also keep the laptop.:wink:

    b) Buy and HDD enclosure ($40), rip out my broken laptop's HDD and transfer to another one, or get that computer on a network or booted up in some other OS (Ubuntu live for example) and copy the data off that drive to another
    source. Either a networked computer or burned to a CD. :confused:

    I guess I'll consider the first one, being that I only have to boot from a CD, but b) seems more economical, IF I buy another computer. Getting my computer back online seems to be the first priority so I think I'll run the tests and use the setup CD. I can upgrade to another computer some other time.

    Anyways, after we've considered the consequences, and solutions, I still have a broken laptop. Grayfox mentioned something about the tests which I was dumbfounded by. I have the stuff already now the only thing I have to do is burn the isos to a CD. I know about burning CDs but iso? Would someone care to indulge?
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