Audio File Tweaking
Victoria Icrontian
Anyone know of any programs for cleaning/enhancing/altering Audio files - MP3, Flac, Ogg etc.. I have some Elvis demo's that would sound superb - if I could nuke the air noise in the background.
What OS are you looking for? I have some great programs, but they are for OSX.
There's a lot of various apps for both Windows and OSX. Are you looking for freeware or are you willing to pay a bit?
Could also try loading the wave files into Reaper. I know it has quite a few plugins included and it's completely free. It's intended as a multitracking studio app, but there's no reason you couldn't just use it for editing one track. May have a bit of a learning curve though, especially if you're not familiar with using these types of software editors.
Something that runs on Windows XP/2000 or Ubuntu/Kubuntu ( any one know of the specific program from the Ubuntu/Studio package that would be best for file tweaking) - the only Mac OS I have is System 8.5:) on a couple of 5300/5200 PPc.
Solid, DirectX and VST plugins and the bundled FX are top of the line.
It's a Sony.