Game problem on router...

All the signs point to a problem with a router, with a big exception unless I am missing something.
Basically, when I run Battlefield 2 and goto multiplayer it does the normal updating on the server list, when it hits something like 1990-2000 servers found it crawls at that point, then eventually stops after it finds all the server which last night was averaging about 2020+/- servers. But then the game will crawl for everything else, if I am not doing anything it's working fine, but if I click on a server it stops for 30 seconds, even the background movie playing. So I close the game... here's the interneting part.... AIM works fine for IM's and such, but I cannot resolve DNS or even ping via domain or IP externally. But I can ping my network internally perfectly fine. I am of course unable to browse the internet as well... but I can do anything internally such as accessing my NAS server...
However at the same time if I try accessing the router itself via web interface it's crawling and usually times out on some of the frames.
Of course I have all ports on the router open that BF2 uses.... damn this game uses a lot of ports.... anyways... the oddest part is that I can bittorrent just perfectly fine which I'd figure would put a bigger beating on the router than BF2 would.
The router is a Netgear WPN something... I am not home currently so I don't remember.
Basically, when I run Battlefield 2 and goto multiplayer it does the normal updating on the server list, when it hits something like 1990-2000 servers found it crawls at that point, then eventually stops after it finds all the server which last night was averaging about 2020+/- servers. But then the game will crawl for everything else, if I am not doing anything it's working fine, but if I click on a server it stops for 30 seconds, even the background movie playing. So I close the game... here's the interneting part.... AIM works fine for IM's and such, but I cannot resolve DNS or even ping via domain or IP externally. But I can ping my network internally perfectly fine. I am of course unable to browse the internet as well... but I can do anything internally such as accessing my NAS server...
However at the same time if I try accessing the router itself via web interface it's crawling and usually times out on some of the frames.
Of course I have all ports on the router open that BF2 uses.... damn this game uses a lot of ports.... anyways... the oddest part is that I can bittorrent just perfectly fine which I'd figure would put a bigger beating on the router than BF2 would.
The router is a Netgear WPN something... I am not home currently so I don't remember.