Questions about changing cable modem...

rhenzhenrhenzhen New York
edited August 2007 in Science & Tech
Guys, If i change my cable modem. From without VoIP to WITH VoIP. Is there something that i have to change on my networking setting? I signed up with VoIP with TW cable and they gonna send me a new cable modem. Now, Im concerned if are some changes that i have to do if i change my modem. Right now, Im in static IP. I'd like it to stay it that way. My friend who helped me to set this up and unfortunately, he's out of the country right now. Im not expert to this kind of stuff. If you guys can help me I would really appreciate it. Thanks! My cable modem is connected to a wireless router. 2 desktops and 2 consoles connected... Thanks very much!


  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited August 2007
    It depends. If the static IP was set up in the TCP/IP connections in your computer it won't change. But if your new router is on a different addressing scheme, then they won't talk. If your computer has a static IP because the router is always handing out the same IP to your computer, then you'll have to reconfigure that with the new router.

    Also, I wonder why you needed a static IP? Usually it's because your forwarding ports to a certain IP, and that would also have to be set up in the new router.
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