Command and Conquer 3 Expansion Pack!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited August 2007 in Gaming
while it hasn't made front press news just yet, I am pretty sure EA is about to announce a Command and Conquer 3 Expansion Pack! :). Based on there official website it looks liek August 7th will be the big day :) so sit tigh and wait a few more hours :)


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited August 2007
    Perfect timing I just finished c&c 3 tiberium wars.

    C&C 3 is one of those really rare games EA didn't manage to screw up.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    I like CnC3 but I have some issues with it. But the game is good, and support is okay...
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