I'm in, assuming whatever my new job is doesn't conflict.
Looking forward to meeting the Icrontic crew
Just do what I have done. There is a good chance I will be in a new job. Tell them just after you get into the job that you have a family gathering to celebrate the long life of uncle hector
The missouri crew has been saying that since 04 or 05
Yep, they're a bunch of slackers... We've got people coming from 1500 miles, 3000 miles away in the US and even farther away than that for Shorty... Don't make excuses... Make flight plans...
The missouri crew has been saying that since 04 or 05
Whoa! hey, didn't know there was a bomb about to go off at ICHQ or something.
I figured I would go when I was able, and so far I have been unable. AFAIK the next event will include all of the ingredients of awesomeness and new cool people to meet so no huge rush m'rite? Besides I have only been a member since late '06 early '07, so I haven't missed that many good times.
I am already making plans for attending the next party/event after the Lan, and hopefully most of the others after that:bigggrin:
stfu winfrey! Get over here! Stop justifying and start planning!
MY SUMMER IS GONE!!! The next available event scheduled would be Oktober fest '08. Thats the best I can do, honestly, no matter how much I would like to meet everyone this summer at the Lan and have a good time, its just not gonna work out.:sad2:
We're at the magic halfway point! 25/50 slots are filled! This is rush time, so make sure to register before it's too late.
Every year gets better and better, you absolutely will not regret attending an IC event. Meet the people who make this place tick, who entertain you, and who you play online with. Here are 321 reasons to attend an Icrontic event courtesy of Fatcat
I don't lie! I AM worried about fitting all our crap in my car, though :sad2:
Looking forward to meeting the Icrontic crew
Just do what I have done. There is a good chance I will be in a new job. Tell them just after you get into the job that you have a family gathering to celebrate the long life of uncle hector
Yep, they're a bunch of slackers... We've got people coming from 1500 miles, 3000 miles away in the US and even farther away than that for Shorty... Don't make excuses... Make flight plans...
I dont associate with those lame Missourians anymore, I'm a Michiganer now since I live at ICHQ 1/12 of the year
I through you spend more time than that at IC Headquarter:D
Keep going maybe you'll get a key (LMAO)
But is IC Headquarters ever locked?
and yus prime and I have discussed a key
I have lived at ICHQ 24 days in the past 9 months.
OH HAI Thrax!
Whoa! hey, didn't know there was a bomb about to go off at ICHQ or something
I figured I would go when I was able, and so far I have been unable. AFAIK the next event will include all of the ingredients of awesomeness and new cool people to meet so no huge rush m'rite? Besides I have only been a member since late '06 early '07, so I haven't missed that many good times.
I am already making plans for attending the next party/event after the Lan, and hopefully most of the others after that:bigggrin:
MY SUMMER IS GONE!!! The next available event scheduled would be Oktober fest '08. Thats the best I can do, honestly, no matter how much I would like to meet everyone this summer at the Lan and have a good time, its just not gonna work out.:sad2:
It's been tried and failed three times, but feel free to plan one.
Every year gets better and better, you absolutely will not regret attending an IC event. Meet the people who make this place tick, who entertain you, and who you play online with. Here are 321 reasons to attend an Icrontic event courtesy of Fatcat
damn right!
half way there!
Ahem. "I'm gonna."