Linksys WRT54GS client mode?

WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
edited August 2007 in Science & Tech
yes, well I have been researching this on google.. I would like to set up my linksys wrt54gs so that it acts as a repeater. i have found out that you can do this by downloading firmware
The firmware i ahve found thus far that is provided by SVEASOFT, i have a ver. 7 does anyone have any ideas?


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    Because you have a V7 GS, you're pretty much up the creek without a paddle. The V7 and V8 GS routers use an Atheros chip instead of a Broadcom, and as such most of the custom firmware no longer works or is in development.
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    yea i figured as i just added my wrt54gs to the linsys 150N router...i seem to be getting better reception when they are close this weird? shouldn't the two signals interfere with each other..not amplify
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