Music folder thumbnail images

botheredbothered Manchester UK
edited August 2007 in Science & Tech
Hi all, this is bothered's son. Thought I would ask for help here. Didn't know where to post this problem so apologies if it's in the wrong forum.

A while ago I assigned 200 x 200 pixel images to every album in my music folder (around 150 folders). It took a while and in the end I decided it looked untidy and deleted the all of the original saved images. But the images are still appearing on about half of the album folders, despite the images being deleted.

Does Windows create a copy of these images somewhere which the folders are using? If so, rather than go through each folder and restoring the default folder icon as its image, could I locate them and delete them in one big bulk?

Thanks in advance.


  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited August 2007
    Try selecting all the folders (whether the images appear or not, just for sake of convenience) using CRTL-A, then right-click one of the selected folders and go to properties. Click on the customize tab and in the middle click the restore default button below the choose picture button. This should force a restore of all yellow folder icons. I'm sure there's a data store somewhere for the thumbnails but I don't know where off the top of my head and google is a bit thick on search results for these keywords.
  • trolltroll Windsor, Nova Scotia Icrontian
    edited August 2007
    If you have used Windows media player to get album art then there will be alot of system hidden jpg's in those directories.

    Folder options > View > Uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"

    Say Yes to the dialog to unprotect OS files.

    Search for *.jpg in you music folders

    You should find many "Album Artwork" jpgs.

    I embed the artwork into the mp3's with "Tag and Rename" and it will create a "Folder.jpg" in the folder itself. This folder.jpg file will provide the folder picture when viewed in Thumbnail mode. You DON'T have to assign a picture to the folder with customize.

    Tag & Rename ->
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