WoW may model real epidemics

Researchers have written in a research journal that World of Warcraft may be used to model how real-world epidemics might spread. In 2005, Blizzard released a virus called "Corrupted Blood" into the virtual world that quickly escaped its control area.
At it's peak, the virus infected most of the major cities, caused a breakdown in "civil society", and had individuals abandoning virtual pets for fear that they transmitted the disease. Blizzard's efforts to quarantine the massive outbreak failed, and it resorted to rebooting the servers to remove it. (via Inq)
At it's peak, the virus infected most of the major cities, caused a breakdown in "civil society", and had individuals abandoning virtual pets for fear that they transmitted the disease. Blizzard's efforts to quarantine the massive outbreak failed, and it resorted to rebooting the servers to remove it. (via Inq)
I heard all about it but was never on to witness it myself. It sounded so awesome.
Just read more here:
That is insane!
It was, er.. Exciting. I'm glad I was raiding BWL at the time.