Problem changing resolutions!
Ok guys, my problem started when i switched to my BenQ FP767 LCD monitor. Im running a RADEON 64MB VIVO (now a 7200) to the monitor on XP Pro, with Cat 3.7, and Rage3D tweak to squeeze a little more life out of my card. Now, i run the desktop at 1280x1024(native res of the LCD) and that is all fine and dandy. When i start EA games (C&C Generals, BF1942, NFS Underground) the game minimizes to the toolbar. Usually i can click it and the game pops back up. once i start the game it does it again, but this time it sometimes wont come back! sometimes if i switch the desktop res to 1024x768(gaming res) the game will pop up, but other times this doesnt work. any ideas?! all the MS games (AOE2, AOM) work fine, but everything else seems to have the problem(with EA games being the worst). Any ideas? I know this is a confusing post, so if you need some clarification let me know. Thanks!
never had problems like that..
does this happen when u don't tweak/OC?
have u tried the 3.9? maybe it will fix it.