Bootup Problems

edited September 2007 in Hardware
When I wake up in the mornings I'll turn my PC on, Go take a leak..So on and so forth and when I get back to my comp it will be frozen.

It will make it to my desktop, All my normal programs will be started but I cant do anything..Cant CTRL+ALT+DEL or anything..Forcing me to hit my comps reset button.

Upon restarting it freezes on the black screen where its giving me the bios info,ect

Then ill restart again and again and again. Then eventually it will make it past the bios boot thing and onto the windows boot screen then to my desktop..Then everything is fine for the rest of the day. then late at night when im downloading torrents,ect it'll start freezing again then im like alskdjlaksd then ill press my restart button, It boots up past the black bios screen, Back to my desktop and it wont freeze during that process(like it normally does when I first bootup)

Ive ran memtest said it was ok
I then ran a hard drive test with seatools for my seagate hd and it passed.

I assumed it was a software problem..since it freezes late at night, But then I relized it freezes on my bios screen when I first bootup in which no processes are running.

So natually, I stopped all processes from starting, and I even went into the registry under "Run" and "Runonce" and deleted all those intries as well..And it still did it while trying to boot up..

Im confused....Mind bottlin to say the least :(



  • edited September 2007
    Also Ive noticed a slightly longer delay while booting up programs, Not that bad thou..and when I first got my computer a few people told me that the PSU that came with it bites the big one..but it wouldnt make any sense that the psu only craps out during bootup but is fine the rest of the day? :S oi
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Hi, Nukemx. Welcome-

    First of all, could you give us what is in your system- system manufacturer (if applicable) motherboard, memory, processor, HD make & size, etc, etc.?

    Also, have you tried resetting the BIOS? You do this by pulling the power plug, removing the system battery from the mother board and possibly also using a jumper- see the manufacturer or motherboard manual. You might even consider replacing the battery- especially if it is an older system.

    Some motherboards also need a little time during the first power-up after a BIOS reset to settle, so allow it to come up without interruption.

    Get back to us ....
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    As a follow on to this, I thought about it a little more and went hmmmm.

    You might check to see how clean your computer is- you may have overheat issues.

    Also, if you're overclocking, back off to stock and try it.
  • edited September 2007
    systemax is the manufacturer and heres the info (copy pasted from everest)

    AMD Athlon 64, 2400 MHz (12 x 200) 3800+

    Motherboard Name: MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum (MS-7025) (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 4 DDR DIMM, Audio, Dual Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)

    Motherboard Chipset: nVIDIA nForce3 Ultra, AMD Hammer

    System Memory: 2048 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)(Kingston)

    BIOS Type: Award (09/22/04)

    Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT (256 MB)
    3D Accelerator: nVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT

    Disk Drive: ST3250823AS (250 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA)(seagate barracuda)
  • edited September 2007
    yeah nothing is overclocked, My comp isnt clean clean but its not dusty..My tempature display reads CPU between 32-35C and the HDD around 34-36C
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Okay. Check all your fans and make sure they are working. You might also want to look under the heatsink fan and make sure that the heatsink fins aren't clogged.

    Do a similar inspection of your video card.

    Your system has been around a while, so if you haven't cleaned to date, I will suggest you do so- and a can of compressed air can do wonders- but use it where you won't gag the household.

    Beyond this, my first post still stands.
  • edited September 2007
    K, Ill try giving it a good cleaning, if that dont help I'll reset my bios :)
  • edited September 2007
    Ok, Ive resetted my bios..Still nothing..Checked fans, All seems to be working fine..But i still freeze up..I did a bootup from the XP disk to attempt a repair install, I didnt see that however under the options instead it took me to the recovery console..So while I was there i decided to do a chkdsk /r and it said it found and fixed errors...Which seems to of helped out my freezeing issues..A far anyways :S.....

    Its weird thou, While I was in the boot from disk recovery console while running the hella long chkdsk I didnt freeze at all..So maybe it indeed is not a hardware issue? ....So maybe its something wrong with windows?

    Its also weird how if im doing something I wont freeze..Like watching videos online or chattin it up..But if i leave my comp alone for like 10 min to go eat or something I come back and its froze..Weird indeed..Ima try a repair install tonight..I read that if i go to recovery console and type bootcfg it will fix issues or something and ill have the repair install option..So ill try that :(
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    My first thought at this point is to ask you to be sure you back up all your critical data. It sounds like you might have an HD going bad (but your Seagate tool did not reveal anything ... ?- hmmm).

    One sign of an HD going from bad to worse is if you keep getting failures doing chkdsk /r- many times there are MORE failures with each check. If this is the case- my suggestion is save what you can and replace.

    You might also try This using the DFT Advanced Test mentioned- just to be sure.

    Also, can you get into Safe Mode?- does it behave okay there?
  • edited September 2007
    Ok, I reformatted..No freezing during bootup as of yet..However when I went to myspace..and started playing a band's song it then froze..Something is triggering something..However it did actually restart itself when it froze ;p and it didnt use to do that..So thats kinda better but gah to this freezing
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Nukemx wrote:
    Ok, I reformatted..No freezing during bootup as of yet..However when I went to myspace..and started playing a band's song it then froze..Something is triggering something..However it did actually restart itself when it froze ;p and it didnt use to do that..So thats kinda better but gah to this freezing

    ... As in totally reformatted the disk and reinstalled the OS?

    At any rate-

    Is anything showing up on Event Viewer? ( Right-click My Computer left-click Manage and go to System Tools | Event Viewer | Applications or System )

    Also check the Device Manager for any conflicts.

    See if you might be missing a BSOD. Go to Control Panel then System, click on the Advanced tab, then the Settings button in Startup and Recovery

    Do the following:

    Check Write an event to the system log
    UNCheck Automatically restart

    Select Small memory dump (64 KB) in the Write debugging information field.

    And let's see what that reveals :) .
  • edited September 2007
    Well theres quite a few things in the event viewer but i dunno what im looking for.

    I also did the thing u told me to do bsod, nor have I ever gotten one.

    Is it weird that I have a safely remove hardware icon and when i click it its my harddrive? or is that normal..

    also weird, My comp has been freezing within 30 seconds of booting up...I close out aim as soon as it launches along with MSN(only 2 programs I have installed) and im not freezing up...Im go about 30 min (If i can if i dont freeze up) then launch aim/msn and such and see if i freeze up.

    I also went to device manager, Right clicked and it said this device is working properly. At least for my hd/cpu/ and video card
  • edited September 2007
    Froze again..Also I dunno if its really important but if im listening to music and when it freezes its an annoying constant beep sound coming out of my headset.
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Test 1 stick of the ram at a time, use the slot closest to the CPU.

    See if the symptoms are different from stick to stick.
  • edited September 2007
    I think I found the problem...oddly enough i believe its my video card..

    I disabled the device and I have yet to freeze..Even thou im choppy as hell :(
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Nukemx wrote:
    Also Ive noticed a slightly longer delay while booting up programs, Not that bad thou..and when I first got my computer a few people told me that the PSU that came with it bites the big one..but it wouldnt make any sense that the psu only craps out during bootup but is fine the rest of the day? :S oi

    Actually, PSUs can be cause any number of symptoms just about anywhen, and this is mainly because they may not die a hard and fast death. Your disabling the video card may have removed a power load so your machine temporarily performs better.

    I would do this:

    1. Try a spare/friends PSU of equal or better rating.

    2. Try the video drivers- update/reinstall 1st, rollback next. Be sure to thoroughly remove the video drivers as much as possible before each attempt (use something like Driver Cleaner )

    3. Think of another video card.

    Nukemx wrote:
    I think I found the problem...oddly enough i believe its my video card..

    I disabled the device and I have yet to freeze..Even thou im choppy as hell

    Yeah- sounds reasonable. Stuff like this can be hard to isolate- personally I was beginning to suspect the audio subsystem- but those are normally with audio cards. I would still try the above suggestions.
    Nukemx wrote:
    Well theres quite a few things in the event viewer but i dunno what im looking for.

    In the Event Viewer, I wanted you to take note of whether you were having Yellow ! warning signs or Red X failures. These can sometimes help identify bad driver installs, etc. Sorry I didn't mention this.
  • edited September 2007
    Isnt the video card :(
  • edited September 2007
    Yeah, Im putting my money on the psu....Everyone I asked about the brand I have they all said the following words "Horrible,Bad,Terrible,Ewww"

    Ultra X-Connect ..btw :P

    Eh, Ima just take it in to the shop since I got my pay check..Expescially with my nerves on the last straw when it comes to this comp..Im going to flip out since i had to reformat for no reason..But meh :(
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Did you test the ram?
  • edited September 2007
    cant stay on long enough to remake the memtest floppy :( rewrite it with my hd tester like a dummy
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Right...all I wanted you to do was remove a stick of ram and see if the problem went away, then try the other stick the same don't have to run memtest.
  • edited September 2007
    Ahh alright, I'll try that now
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