LAIR getting flamed from reviewers 'round the world

Sony <em>really</em> needed a killer app, just like Nintendo and Microsoft. Microsoft has their Halo and Gears, and Nintendo's got their Samus and Link, and Sony was pushing Factor 5's Lair out there as their shining tech demo/best game evar.
The reviews are starting to come in, but things are looking pretty grim. It starts with <a href="">Penny Arcade lampooning "LIAR"</a> and goes on from there with <a href="">a 4.9 from IGN</a>, a <a href="">poor from Gamespot</a>, and... well you get the idea.
Most of the reviews applaud the production values (graphics, sound, story) but then rail on the gameplay and most especially the controls. In a way, it seems that this game is an analogue to the PS3 itself - all style, no substance. Not yet, anyways... (can you say "Help me, Heavenly Sword"?)
The reviews are starting to come in, but things are looking pretty grim. It starts with <a href="">Penny Arcade lampooning "LIAR"</a> and goes on from there with <a href="">a 4.9 from IGN</a>, a <a href="">poor from Gamespot</a>, and... well you get the idea.
Most of the reviews applaud the production values (graphics, sound, story) but then rail on the gameplay and most especially the controls. In a way, it seems that this game is an analogue to the PS3 itself - all style, no substance. Not yet, anyways... (can you say "Help me, Heavenly Sword"?)