Back from Fry's W/ new CPU
I'm back, got it installed OK and did some tinkering. First, it is not locked and is looking pretty good so far. It actually OC's almost as good as my 2100 did. I will have more time to play over the weekend. I am wondering what weeks NE has in stock. I also took the oportunity to replace the fans in my PSU as one was going out. I noticed a vibration some time ago and determined it was one of my PSU fans. That was a real royal pain in the butt job to do. Those Robanton's are real tanks on the inside. I used a Vantec Stealth for the exhaust fan and an Enermax adjustable for the intake. It is not only pushing more (which I can tun up if I need to) air but is a lot quieter!!!

Here is a better shot of the stepping.
Either way, impressive!
Default is a bit higher than the T'Breds.
I have 1 512mb stick of Corsair XMS32ooC2 running @ cas2-5-2-2. When I get to between 210 and 215 I need to bump the chip volt to 1.7 and after 220 I need to start juicing my memory.
Right now 11.5x214= 2464 is as far as I have got. When I try for anything higher I keep getting Windows boot errors and I have tried the vcore up to 2v and chipset @ 1.8. I am wondering if I want to cut my 3rd L12 or not.
You're probably best off at 11x220 IMHO
Kingston HyperX DDR 3500 1 gig twink pack
The PC3700 is the roughly the same price as the PC3500, only difference is the 3700 has lower timings (CAS 3). Think the PC 3700 would be able to run @ CAS 2 when @ the same speed as the 3500?