Google says: "Land a probe on the moon, we'll give you $30 million"

Okay, it's really $20 million to the Grand Prize winner. What wins the grand prize?
To win the Grand Prize, a team must successfully soft land a privately funded spacecraft on the Moon, rove on the lunar surface for a minimum of 500 meters, and transmit a specific set of video, images and data back to the Earth. The Grand Prize is $20 million until December 31st 2012; thereafter it will drop to $15 million until December 31st 2014 at which point the competition will be terminated unless extended by Google and the X PRIZE Foundation.
Perhaps Google really DOES want to map the moon. Their corporate mission is to organize the WORLD'S information - they don't say anything about LUNAR information. Perhaps that's going to change.Get building!
Umm, $$$ maybe?
pft... investors and paper mache are all we need
I'm in! :bigggrin:
We could really rule the world (and be super rich as well)
I'll handle that.
I mean, we have a rocket scientist here, don't we?