Free Firewall for novices

mtroxmtrox Minnesota
edited September 2007 in Science & Tech
Anyone know of a free firewall that can be tacked onto Win 2000? No ZA, Comodo, Outpost kinda stuff. They just send up an endless stream of questions the average user has no idea about. I'd like something as butt-simple and the Windows Firewall built into XP.


  • KentigernKentigern Milton Keynes UK
    edited September 2007
    This one from PC Tools appears to fit the bill, I haven't tried it personally though.,1000000375,39301282s,00.htm
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited September 2007
    Just tried it Kent. It has one process (swdsvc.exe) that just dominates your CPU and Pagefile. If you could turn off the application monitor it might stop pestering a noob with questions, but as soon as you reboot it turns back on. Noobs just cannot answer all those questions.

    I'm trying Ashampoo thing now. Not sure it protects that much, but so far it appears to at least let the computer run without asking 20 questions all the time.
  • ThelemechThelemech Victoria Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    It is out of date but I use Sygate Personal Firewall. I find it very simple and easy to use.
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