dual boot RAID0 - possible?

edited October 2007 in Hardware
Hi - new member - working out possible configurations on my relatively new hardware & getting ready to start from scratch

Intel CoreDuo6600/4G xmas DDR2/4 HD (2 80G rapters identical - 2 150G rapters identical)

Would like to set up dual boot Vista / XP

Familiar w Vista & know its limitations
Very familiar w XP
NOT SO familiar with RAID although have set them up in past

on my 2 80G rapters could I partition (app. 50 & 30) & run RAID0 on both Vista & XP partition?

I have written scripts that use Acronis True Image to always incrementally back-up OS + data on shut-down to external storage device for security aspect

if it's possible, what is confusing is what steps in what order?

*make a RAID0 then partition equal segments & re-establish new RAID0 on #2 partition for second OS

*partition first then create 2 RAID0 setups)
[can install Vista as main or XP as main OS & know M$ suggest older OS as default boot OS - but that's easily overcome

*or am I just looking for problems here

Your suggestions & advice greatly appreciated



  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited September 2007
    Welcome to Icrontic :cheers:

    The RAID-0 volume is created first. Once you have this 'logical' disk, it will appear as though you have one large drive. It can then be partitioned and formatted any way you see fit. You can definitely have two operating systems on a RAID volume. As far as the operating systems are concerned, a RAID 'logical drive' is treated just like a single drive. Partitions are on a totally different level than the raid array.

    Hope that helps.
  • floppybootstompfloppybootstomp Greenwich New
    edited September 2007
    Aye, what lemonlime said. To each OS the RAID 0 is just one disk.

    One thing though, with Acronis True Image. I have version 10 and it will not restore to a RAID 0 setup, it always sees the pair of disks as two seperate disks.

    It will back up a RAID 0 ok, but as I mentioned, will not restore to a RAID 0.

    I suggest you try a 'dummy run' before relying on Acronis TU for backup.
  • edited October 2007
    Welcome join in , enjoy your stay here .
    I think it is possible to have dual boot radio , sicne it is possible to have to os in one pc .
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