Folding System

broady81broady81 Member
edited October 2007 in Folding@Home
Basically I'm planning on building a cost effective folding PC :rolleyes2

So far I have concluded that A Q6600 probably has the most Bang-for-Buck in this case, but the rest of the components I need some clarification on :bigggrin:

I have penciled in these :
- 450W Corsair PSU (Is this enough ?)
- 2x512mb of Patriot PC6400 RAM (Is this enough ? Would cheaper, slower memory do ?)
- Foxconn P9657AA-8EKRS2H
- ATi Graphics Card (Possible to simultaneously Fold on this too ?)
- Scythe Infinity CPU cooler

Already have Case/Fans/HDD/DVD-ROM etc. so it's just the core components

Has anyone got any suggestions on better solutions ? Folding will be the primary use for this PC, I'm quite addicted atm :tongue:

(Sorry if this is in the wrong Forums as a fear it may be)


  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    - ATi Graphics Card (Possible to simultaneously Fold on this too ?)

    Not worth it... It will slow down the CPU client more than you know. Save the cash...
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Even though the ATI folding client seems to be the #1 producer, it hasn't seen the acceptance of the SMP using multiple CPU cores.
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited September 2007
    broady81 wrote:
    Basically I'm planning on building a cost effective folding PC :rolleyes2

    So far I have concluded that A Q6600 probably has the most Bang-for-Buck in this case, but the rest of the components I need some clarification on :bigggrin:

    I have penciled in these :
    - 450W Corsair PSU (Is this enough ?)
    - 2x512mb of Patriot PC6400 RAM (Is this enough ? Would cheaper, slower memory do ?)
    - Foxconn P9657AA-8EKRS2H
    - ATi Graphics Card (Possible to simultaneously Fold on this too ?)
    - Scythe Infinity CPU cooler

    Already have Case/Fans/HDD/DVD-ROM etc. so it's just the core components

    Has anyone got any suggestions on better solutions ? Folding will be the primary use for this PC, I'm quite addicted atm :tongue:

    (Sorry if this is in the wrong Forums as a fear it may be)

    If its solely for folding, then that PSU is overkill... I run my Q´s with Seasonic´s 330W which are very energy efficient, and at full load it consumes near 200w (from the outlet).

    Considering you can get a 2Gb kit at less than 100 bucks out of ebay, I would suggest you go that route. If you can afford CAS4 DDR2 800, the better, since you´ll have a bit of headroom in case you overclock. I get 200PPD more out of my Quad with CAS4 mem instead of CAS5.

    A motherboard that does 1333FSB is better than this foxconn... the P965 does not officially support this FSB, and with a proper motherboard you can easily OC that Quad from 2.4Ghz to 3Ghz effortlesly just by upping the FSB from 1066 to 1333. Also, a motherboard with onboard graphics will spare you from buying an external videocard. My suggestion is an Intel chipset G33 mobo. (Gigabyte´s GA-G33M-xxx has efficient power circuitry to lower even more your power consuption).

    A GPU client would not only increise power consuption (which you will require a powerfull PSU) but will also decrease your SMP production. If you set it with VMware like the guide I wrote, the GPU client would be counterproductive.

    That heatsink would be perfect. I use Scythe´s Ninja rev B. but its near the same.

    Hope this clears out for you! :)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    broady81 wrote:
    So far I have concluded that A Q6600 probably has the most Bang-for-Buck in this case, but the rest of the components I need some clarification on :bigggrin:

    - 2x512mb of Patriot PC6400 RAM (Is this enough ? Would cheaper, slower memory do ?)

    (Sorry if this is in the wrong Forums as a fear it may be)

    Yes, to date you can NOT find a better folding CPU for the $ than the Q6600. If you run a single SMP clock stock 24/7, it will add more than 15,000 points per week to your total. If you can OC it and properly set it up, you could almost double that!

    My only suggestion on memory and being cost effective: DDR2. For only the few bucks difference, there is no reason not to think quality 1066. I'd really go 2GB to cover the bases.

    Also, I think doing this in this forum is a capital idea- actually, I'd like to see more of it.
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Thanks a lot guys, this really really helped, I'll post you the spec of my PC when i've finalised it :smiles: You probably saved me a few pound too so I owe you one :bigggrin: Thanks again, you guys really do know what your talking about :tongue:

    There might be a few more questions mind you ... :wink:
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Here's my (near) final decision, last minute thoughts ? :tongue:

    - NSK6500 Case (With 430W PSU)
    - 160Gb Maxtor SATA2 8mb
    - Scythe Infinity
    - Patriot (2x1GB) PC6400 CL4 :wink:
    - Gigabyte GA-G33-DS3R
    - Intel Q6600 Quad Core (G0 Stepping)

    Hope it's OK, I heard the included PSU is very efficient and will suffice for what I need it for :bigggrin:

    (Sorry if this is classed as a double post :sad2:)
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited September 2007
    Thats top of the line.... that G0 should do 3.6Ghz (9x333) easily! Top notch folder indeed! ;)
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    What does that work out to be $$$ wise? :scratch:
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    That's the problem, I think I've gone over budget, so was going to make these changes :

    - Gigabyte GA-G33-DS2R - only difference I can find in system specification is that1033 FSB is supported via OC'ing in this one rather than as standard in the above
    - 1GB of RAM - still not sure what brand or timings :sad2: Want ones that will give me those few extra PPD but not cost too much :rolleyes2
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited September 2007
    That mobo is the full version, with RAID and extra stuff unneeded for a folding machine. Take a look at the GA-G33M-S2 (the one I use) which is a strip down version of the DS2R but still have ultra durable 2 components. Or you can go with the GA-G31M-S2. It still supports 1333Mhz FSB.
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Thanks for clearing that up Ultra Nexus :bigggrin: You've probably just saved me yet more money :cool2: At the moment, with everything it should be around £400 or $800(ish) :smiles: Liking that price (which includes 2x1GB of CL4 RAM :wink:)
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited September 2007
    Your welcomed!

    You may also consider, since the mother is a MicroATX, a smaller, less clutered PC casing... this Antec is high end!

    Its allways best to save in the casing but get a good and efficient PSU.
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    I've had another idea, I think I can reuse my Case/Fans/HDD/PSU that have come out of this current system, it means a complete replacement for my current compenents, but theres always the option to rehouse my Sempron some other time (104 PPD) :tongue: No gaming for me then :sad2: Probably the most cost effective at the moment (and due to the fact I play all of like 2 games atm :cool2:)
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    do you already have the maxtor hard drive? I'd be a bit leary putting one in a system. The seagate 7200.10 series drives are faster, run cooler and have a 5 year warranty vs the 3 that maxtor gives.
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Sorry, yes I already have the Hard Drive - I have 2 on my current system and to save money I could just use one (dont need all that storage anyway :tongue:) There's a chance my funding might be getting pulled now anyway :wtf: I need a reason to Fold to persuade the electricity payers other than "Im doing it for a good cause" :wink:
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Well I took the plunge, it's not exactly what I wanted but it's getting there :bigggrin: I managed to get :

    - a Q6600 (G0 Stepping :cool2:)
    - P5K Motherboard
    - 8600GT 512MB
    - Corsair PC6400 (2x1GB) CL4 :bigggrin:
    - 600W OCZ StealthXStream PSU :sad2: (Not exactly efficient as I wanted :rolleyes2)

    I got a good deal though :bigggrin: Im thinking part time gaming, part time folding :tongue:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    And the price? :)
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    In then end, £430 which is about $860, which I didnt think was that bad considering the scope for the system :smiles: I'd like your input too... I hate buying a system and knowing I got ripped off :rolleyes2
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited September 2007
    Thats a pretty sweet price Broady been following a deal at advancetec they are offering the G0 stepping quad, 2 Gig of OCZ 800 ram and ASUS P5N-E SLI
    for £309, you managed to get a decent GFX card and PSU for £121 more good deal :thumbsup:
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    No way ! :bigggrin: Advancetec is like 10 minutes away from me and happens to be where I bought my stuff from :cool2: they do do good deals, if you need anything from there, I can pop in it's that close :wink: There psotage isn't too bad mind you :tongue: That deal is pretty sweet, but I heard good things about the P5K :smiles: Cross-Fire though, but I dont want 2 graphics card anyway :rolleyes2
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited September 2007
    Either mobo is pretty sweet, wish we had a decent wholesaler in Glasgow area just some dodgy gets with grey imports and inflated prices.:(
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Aye you got to watch out for those, I didnt realise Advancetec was so big until I saw their logo on an ATi advert :rolleyes2 They actually carry quite a lot of stock :bigggrin: I managed to mess up, and buy a cross-fire board and an Nvidia graphics card (accident after switching boards at the last minute), but then realised the comparable (in price) ATi card performs worse, and since im unlikely to get two, I'll stick with it and see how it rolls :tongue:
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Hey, guys

    Figured I'd continue this thread since it's already here and I need some input. I'm looking to get some new components as well, and the Q6600 is on there, along with 4 gigs RAM so I can set up the VMs and still survive the memory requirements. All that leaves is a mobo, which is what I need your help with. I need SATA ports, at least 6 of them (and that's just for the current hard drives), just one IDE header is fine, plenty of USB ports, PCI Express, at least 2, pref. 3 regular PCI slots, etc. And of course OC'able to the 1333 FSB. Anybody have any ideas for me? I'm a fan of Asus personally but for no reason, and I'm not looking for micro-ATX or anything, this is going to be a gaming and etc machine partially.

    Parts I already have/have settled on are the nVidia 7950GTKO (but I'm willing to hear suggestions otherwise ;) ), the Q6600, 4 gigs of OCZ Platinum (so the board needs to get 2.1v)...... and that's it.

    Also a cooling setup recommendation would be appreciated, I'd like to OC the chip, but I'm not sure what I can reliably get under air, and your help would be appreciated there.

    Thanks everybody.

    Oh, and it needs hw RAID support, as I've got my OS RAIDed. Thanks guys.

    Edit: think I found my mobo, ASUS P5N32-E SLI Plus; newegg has an open box for $115. Still would like some input on cooling, though! Thanks, and sorry for all the edits.
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Which OS are you going to run on that system? Xp and Vista 32 bit can only address 4GB of ram total, so that means of your 4gb, you're only going to see about 3.5 at the most.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    DanG wrote:
    Which OS are you going to run on that system? Xp and Vista 32 bit can only address 4GB of ram total, so that means of your 4gb, you're only going to see about 3.5 at the most.

    Vista x64 and Ubuntu x64.
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited October 2007
    If you can afford it, this board is a great pick! :wink:
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    For the price difference, is it really worth it, Nexus?
  • Ultra-NexusUltra-Nexus Buenos Aires, ARG
    edited October 2007
    MJancaitis wrote:
    For the price difference, is it really worth it, Nexus?

    I do think so... besides, there is a huge difference on this Asus board, between the retail and the open box... which indicates a possible refurbished part... I would stay away from these.

    Besides, I believe an Intel chipset is superior to a Nvidia one...

    So its up to you now! :)
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Yeah, I changed my mind on the open-box aspect... do you have any hard values on the Intel vs nVidia, or is it just something like why I'm partial to Asus? I've used pretty much nothing but nVidia RAID, which is why I'm hesitant to try something different. If you're sure about it, I'll heed your advice, so I was just wondering if you know anybody with personal experience on the RAID aspect. It doesn't have dual NICs either, which makes me sad, but I suppose they're not especially necessary.

    Thanks again.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Well, everything's ordered, so no backing out now. :D

    Q6600 with G0 stepping
    OCZ Plat Rev. DDR2-800 4-4-4-15 memory, 4 gigs
    Gigabyte GA-P35-DS4 mobo
    EVGA GeForce 8600GT, 256mb
    Scythe Infinity heatsink

    Couple those with the drives, case, and externals I've already got, and this thing should be pumping me out some work units and handling some TF2 just fine every once in a while.

    I'm gonna have to figure out how to get those VMs working in Vista now :D

    Meanwhile, my X2 6000+ is going downstairs to continue its folding work helping the cause!
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