Minor Folding Problem

broady81broady81 Member
edited September 2007 in Folding@Home
I left my system on last night and today for the first time after I built it :bigggrin: I know it's stable because I let it run 4 instances of Prime 95 on each core (On my Q6600 as you will remember), but when it was running the SMP client today, it stopped twice :sad2: both times FAHmon reported it as "*Hung*" but I managed to close it without reading the Log :hrm: I will get back to you with the results if it does it again, but is there any obvious solution anyone can see at the minute ? :rolleyes2

EDIT : I also lost the progress I had made (over 40% :sad2:) and have had to start again !


  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited September 2007
    did your network settings change ??? mpi.exe uses the ip addy as part of the communication link between cores.
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Ok so it just happened again, this time it cannot send the results, and then closes by itself :sad2: then when i restarted it it lost the WU because it had started 8 times :confused: 25% of a work unit just gone :rolleyes2
    [14:56:26] Examination of work files indicates 8 consecutive improper terminations of core.
    [14:56:32] - Expanded 2973599 -> 15199495 (decompressed 511.1 percent)
    [14:56:33] Project: 2653 (Run 13, Clone 26, Gen 36)
    [14:56:34] Entering M.D.
    [14:56:40] Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)
    [14:56:40] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
    [14:56:40] (
    [14:56:40] - Error: Could not transmit unit 01 (completed September 29) to work server.
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Don't worry about the 8 consecutive improper terminations- I get those everytime I restart my system and it has never affected me.

    It sounds like the problem could be with your network- are you running wireless? Spike also makes a good observation. Is your network settings changing?
  • broady81broady81 Member
    edited September 2007
    Indeed I am running wireless, and i didnt think my network settings changed SPIKE, as i'm certainly not bringing that about myself :sad2: I know something of the nature of wireless and hope I can find a LAN cable soon :wink: I dont think the problem is when it has "8 improper terminations" Qeldroma, as it seems to restart fine after it gets that, looking at the log. Yet I cant seem to find any other problems, it simply says "User shutdown client" last time it did it, yet I wasn't even at the PC and it didn't restart. Nevermind, it's about ironing out the bugs for the moment, not pumping out those points :tongue: Thanks for the help guys :bigggrin:
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited September 2007
    "Couldn't send HTTP request to server (wininet)" that is a problem, probably means you answered yes to use IE settings use the -config flag to change to NO
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    Spike's suggestion is especially applicable to IE7. Also, SMP WUs tend to hang up everytime there is a loss of network connectivity- especially applicable in the wireless case. A network wire is a capital idea. Last time I tried FAH with my LT wireless, it hung my whole system. I run FAH on my LT only from a desktop icon and I do not fold when I use wireless. While some may contend with me here, I have very few SMP WU errors.
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